Group and Round Robin Meetings links should appear in Meetings for all users who are a part of them
Currently, for any team Meetings links (Group or Round Robin) the link only appears in the list of meetings for the user who created the link. This means other users cannot see the link in their list of links, or edit it.
This is absolutely needed! It exists in Calendly, which is the meeting scheduler that I am switching from (not my choosing). Not having meetings that another team member created listed as one of my meetings means I can't even get the meeting link to send to someone that wants to schedule that meeting type.
If the settings need to be locked down so only the owner can edit them, that's fine but that's not even the case right now. My co-worker who created a round-robin meeting sent me the link to edit the meeting, which I was then able to do. If I can edit the meeting, it stands to reason that I should be able to see the meeting as an option in my list.
Your meeting tool is a good alternative to Calendly but if my team can't see the meetings in one place it's a real pain for them to keep those meeting links close to hand when speaking with prospects - having to resort to individual bookmarks for qualifying calls, training calls and debrief calls which is pretty messy
Team meetings should be accessible to other users. If someone is on vacation and a meeting needs to be edited, it creates a major headache. Not to mention, if someone leaves the company, it would be very messy to recreate all these meetings and update all the links.
This needs to happen! Currently resorting to having my team use a list of bookmarks in their browsers instead of viewing all the meetings in one place within Hubspot. Any time that we have to rely on other tools to do a sales/marketing job Hubspot loses a bit of value. Would love to see Hubspot as a truly all in one solution some day.
This would be very helpful for teams changing and letting all administrators update the meeting link instead of having to log in to that person's HubSpot only.
Agree. With the recent moves to centralize and bring more features under admin control (control/name users' task queues or controlling team sidebars), I'm surprised that Meetings aren't included here. Maybe they are just waiting to add more? Its an odd one for sure. Meetings are a really big blind spot for Hubspot it seems.
@glencornell, can you clarify. Does moving form "In Planning" to "Not Currently Planned" mean it's still in the development backlog and just pushed to a later sprint? Not sure if that mean't is was pulled from the backlog indefinitely?
Sorry about the confusion. This actually was not previously "In planning" so my comment was inaccurate. I've updated it now. However, to clarify this is in our backlog, and we have plans to make this fix, but to be conservative I'm refraining from updating to "In planning" until we have this confirmed in one of our upcoming sprints.
Yes, I have the same issue with quite a few clients for which we set up HubSpot for Service and Sales. It would be great to have the following improvements for the meetings tool that are closely related to this idea:
admins should be able to see (and ideally even modify and clone) all meeting links of all users (personal and team / round-robin). This would allow e.g. a head of sales to set up links for a whole team and ensure quality and e.g. similar wording for meetings of individual sales reps.
team / round-robin meetings should be visible for everyone. maybe even personal meeting links of other team members
team / round-robin meeting links are now tied to someone's personal meeting URL. as it's a team meeting link, this doesn't make sense and looks strange to customers. this should not be the case and the URL should be definable by admins (of course within the limits that they must be unique)
I should have the option to change meeting URLs after creation, or (as I understand that there are negative implications with that) I should at least be able to clone / copy a meeting to create a similar meeting link with a new URL that I can change when cloning
All those improvements would imho make the meetings tool a lot more usable and manageable by companies with multiple sales or customer service employees!
Given that meeting shortcuts are an option in the Hubspot to Gmail or Outlook plugins these need to include all links an individual may be booked for. Ownership should be allowed across the team and not burdened on one user.
Users can now see all links connected to their calendar, regardless of who owns them. Super Admins also have the permission to edit those links. Let me know if we missed anything on this idea: lars (at)
That's fantastic news and another step forward!! Thanks!
What about thosee 2 additional points?
team / round-robin meeting links are now tied to someone's personal meeting URL. as it's a team meeting link, this doesn't make sense and looks strange to customers. this should not be the case and the URL should be definable by admins (of course within the limits that they must be unique)
I should have the option to change meeting URLs after creation, or (as I understand that there are negative implications with that) I should at least be able to clone / copy a meeting to create a similar meeting link with a new URL that I can change when cloning
Thanks for bringing up those issues. Today, the best way to resolve this is to have an admin create the team meetings links for the team using their preferred URL.
I'm a super admin on our account. One issue I'm running into is when I go to edit a group link with two users (let's say Amy the owner and Jill the additional person), the user who is not the owner (Jill) gets removed automatically and I see the error "A user was removed from this link We’ve removed a user on this link who is no longer a user in this account. Please confirm the group members on this link and then save it."
The problem though is the user who was removed is still an active user and should not be removed, and I cannot add them back as their name no longer appears in the drop down list. I have to cancel and cannot edit the link becuase if I do it saves with Jill missing. Does it have something to do with the Team the user is on? On our group links the additonal people are all members of a different Team than the owners of the links.
This is much needed. It makes little sense, that I cannot update the layout and other elements of existing meetings. That I have to be assigned as a bookable person on meeting to update does not in any way match how most work.
Basically, I cannot have my marketing assistant update confirmation page URL on a meeting without he is assigned as a bookable person.