HubSpot Ideas


Grey Mail in A/B Testing Automated Marketing Emails

Currently experiencing a large roadblock regarding sending A/B test automated marketing emails within workflows.


Very complex marketing nurture campaign including over 70 emails and 12 workflows/lists/reports. 


Experience: Greymail suppression was erroneously engaged on a handful of the A/B testing emails when they were published, and workflows turned on. 


I went back to turn off suppression within these tests (access the email, edit, uncheck box, publish). This action makes it seem like you are altering the currently active email. There is no indicator that this does not have an effect on the winner of the A/B test. 


The only solution available:

"Cloning the email and changing the graymail setting to whatever... before publishing the clone." 

"You will need to create a new workflow with the new a/b test emails in it and enroll the contacts that were not sent these emails in the first workflow. "


This is not a viable solution as this would cause a dramatic breakdown in reporting and email stats of this campaign as they were all engaged at the same and a part of a large, complex and interwoven campaign.  The purpose of the campaign is to engage leads that are otherwise not. There was no indicator that called out; once this email was engaged there was no going back or modifying the settings, which is the case true for other emails and what you would expect to be the behaviour.