Use Google Voice phone number while calling or texting prospects and customers to utilize HubSpot functionality to track and make notes/follow up tasks. That would allow me to use one phone for both personal and business use with two different phone numbers.
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I would really like to see Hubspot incorporate tracking Google voice calls and texts. I use GV and this would make Hubspot much more useful to me. Most of my communications no is don't via text rather than email.
Anything happening with this? google is starting to advertise google voice for workplace. Need an integration that works on both mobile and browser to receive/make/auto log calls and text messages
just don’t expect the idea to go anywhere for at least a few more years. maybe someone should submit the idea to HubSpot or upvote this 🤣🤣🤣-- Regards, Jack Gale
It would be fantastic if hub spot could integrate with google voice to allow customers an option that can be used to call customers directly from their computer as well as their phone. Would allow efficient tracking of emails texts and calls. As it stands now there is no call tracking for my business because I can't integrate the VOiP phone I use. This would also allow for easy tracking of new contacts and appointments and would help workflow. Many, many people use google voice because it allows a second number to be run off your primary or personal number free of cost.
Our company uses only Google Voice numbers to keep from needing two phones. I'm already integrating five different platforms, the very last thing I need is to have to work with two different VOIP/text apps.
I use HS mobile so I can make logged calls from within without issue... however, it uses my personal number and intermingles business with personal. I also Dual installed WhatsApp to use my G-Voice number because I thought I could make it work with HS that way... but to no avail. I love HS because it makes integrations so simple so we can work out of one "HUB" but still have the functionality of other integral platforms.
Since you already integrate with so many other VOIP apps - it seems this would be a simple inclusion. Google is famous for it's ease of integration, as is Hubspot. It's a perfect fit that would bring such bliss to so many of your loyal users!!
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