Use Google Voice phone number while calling or texting prospects and customers to utilize HubSpot functionality to track and make notes/follow up tasks. That would allow me to use one phone for both personal and business use with two different phone numbers.
I would also love to see this feature. We previously used JustCall which integrated well but decided to move to Google Voice prior to making the swtich to HubSpot full time. It's a little disappointing not to see any progress after so many years.
Google voice intigration would be a great addition to Hubspot for calls and sms texts. Myself and many of other marketers that I work along side have their business set up through google, and use a google voice number for the main business phone number.
Having Google Voice integrated is a great suggestion. By using it, we can have one phone that can be used for both personal calls and professional calls tracked through HubSpot.
Still nothing after all these years? It's really starting to intrude on our workflows and our ability to stay updated on our clients. Is this even in the queue of features to add?
An official integration between Google Voice and Hubspot is not possible without a partnership between the two companies because Google Voice has deprecated their API.
That said, I built an unofficial solution starting with logging texts from Google Voice to Hubspot. This is a really basic example of what's possible. I'll continue to build this out for my own personal use, but if there's interest, I'll publish it as well
Fully agree this needs to come along, Google Voice is a much better value platform than many others that do integrate (we are looking circa 70% saving over RingCentral by moving to Google Voice) but some users are not happy that they will loose the integration.
FYI, if you setup Google Voice on your phone properly you can use it for logging calls through HubSpot. Under setting, look for "Calls started form this device's phone app" and set to "Ask each time you make a call."
This is a bit annoying, because if you want to make a personal call from your Phone app instead of Google Voice, the device will still prompt you to choose which one to use. However, since it does this whenever using your "Phone" app, the device will also prompt you when calling from within HubSpot. Sadly, I don't see a work-around for SMS.
as the default "call redirect" app, when you make a call from HubSpot it will trigger the phone app - which will then prompt yo
I'd be curious to hear some type of recognition of this interest from HubSpot. Even better would be a confirmation whether or not this feature is on their roadmap. We just dropped RingCentral for Google Voice and the integration with HubSpot would make our lives just a bit easier.
One more thing... if it is not on the roadmap, it would be really helpful to have some explanation of why it's not there.
We've been asking for this for years and Hubspot has yet to indicate whether it's on the roadmap and if it's not, why it hasn't been added to the roadmap.