HubSpot Ideas


Google Calendar integration doesn't log meetings when Contact is the Meeting Organizer

This is a feature improvement request that impacts any user / team that leverages the Google Calendar integration. Currently, the integration does NOT log a Meeting to a Contact if that Contact is the Organizer of the Meeting. It ONLY logs meetings for the guests of a Meeting. This results in many meetings not being logged to HubSpot if the Contact is the one that sent the Meeting invite and there is no other Contacts added as Guest. 


The integration should up improved so that it also logs Meetings when the Contact is the Organizer of the Meeting (eg the one who sent the meeting invite). 


My team wants to report on Meeting activity with out Deals and Target Accounts but as it stands, the Meeting data isn't reliable because the integration misses some Meetings due to the above. Below is an example where an existing Contact sent a meeting invite to a user with a connected Google Calendar, and the meeting was not logged to HubSpot.  


Meeting scheduled by Contact 1.png 

Meeting scheduled by contact 2.png

1 Reply

+1. This issue is causing deflated meetings numbers for our sales reps. It's making them lose trust in our meetings reports which is tied to their performance evaluation. Please log meetings where the contact is the organizer of the meeting. Thanks!