HubSpot Ideas


GoToMeeting integration to Meetings

I use the meeting tool extensively in my business.  All of my customer meetings are handled remotely and I use GoToMeeting for each.  My HubSpot Meeting tool is connected to my Google Calendar, and my GoToMeeting instance is connected to my Google Calendar, but GoToMeeting doesn't communicate between Meetings and Google Calendar.


Connecting GoToMeeting to HubSpot Meetings would be very beneficial.  That way I do not have to go into each individual meeting in my calendar and add the GoToMeeting instance.


HubSpot Updates
Not Currently Planned
May 05, 2020 12:18 AM

Being Reviewed
April 29, 2020 02:25 AM

Hi All 


Thanks for sharing your ideas on GoToMeeting. We are currently reviewing this and will share updates with you on our plans for this. 




Not Currently Planned
April 27, 2020 03:54 PM

Idea Submitted
April 27, 2020 03:54 PM

Hi Communnity,


Thank you all for sharing your feedback!


For transparency I am updating this issue from "In Planning" to "Not Currently Planned" because we wont be able to get to this in the next quarter. 




Re: GoToMeeting integration to Meetings - changed to: Idea Submitted
December 17, 2018 09:08 AM

Hi all - I don't have any updates specifically about GoToMeeting, but I thought some of you here would be interested to know that our Integrations team has just launched an integration with Zoom, and have incorporated it into the Meetings tool! If you are a Zoom user, check out We are hoping this work will lead to other conferencing software opportunities with Meetings and will be sure to keep you updated!

November 05, 2018 01:27 PM

I would like it open to more than just go  to meeting.  I have a many clients who use zoom

53 Replies

@VirginiaBee That does sound interesting - but how do you deal with close/back to back meetings in GoToMeeting and avoiding people from the next call joining early and interrupting your current call - or if it runs long?


That's why we've never been able to actually make this work -using UberConference or GoToMeeting - because of this issue.


I have found a way to use unique GoToMeeting links, not the personal meeting room that is "always open". It's a bit of a hack job, but I think it will work.


We're using Office365 and I have the GoToMeeting add-in installed.  I can click on Scheudle Meeting which creates an Outlook calendar event with a unique meeting url that I send to myself with the correct date and time. I'm guessing you could probably do this from within the GoToMeeting dashboard itself too, but I'm already in Outlook. I can then copy and paste that meeting link info into the HubSpot meeting description, so the contat will receive it inside of their HubSpot meeting confirmation email.


I agree this would be great for our team of 5


We really need this integration ourselves !


@hroberts Do you have any updates on whether or not an integration for GoToMeeting will be added to Meetings in HubSpot, and, if so when this is planned for?


This is something that would make our teams much more efficient for Marketing, Sales, and Service.


+1 This integration is the only thing in my way from upgrading from the Free HubSpot CRM + Calendly to the HubSpot Starter (eliminating the need for Calendly).


Thank you!


We are very interested in this and since they already intergrate with GoToWebinar, I don't see it being hard to intergrate.  


+1 this is a must-have feature. Because of this, we're still using Calendly and we're not able to track meeting activities in HubSpot.  


+1 on this. This integration is available in Salesforce and we are considering moving because we need more integrations like this at our fingertips to shorten the time of such activities. 


This would be awesome to have. Just a more seamless way to set this up



When a contact clicks on a link to book a meeting with you, it would be great if there was integration with Go To Meeting or other tools that has an option to create a link to a new Go To Meeting.  I currently have to go back and add the link to the meeting invitation and add the new Go To Meeting link and information. 


We tried compensating for this by using Zapier, but it was just such a pain - not reliable, and customers not seeing GoToMeeting info because it was added after the event was created.


We just switched over to Zoom becuase we got fed up - and we're having SUCH a better experience. In our opinion, Zoom is a much better tool than goToMeeting (comparing the lack of features in GoToMeeting with the PAGES of customizeable settings in Zoom just makes us wonder why we've used GoToMeeting at all).


But overall, the Hubspot integration with Zoom is super seamless. Zoom meetings auto-created when a meeting is booked, and great updates for custom fields as well, so we can leverage data like number of meetings for contacts in Hubspot. 


@VirginiaBee I figured out this workaround too. We utilize everyone's "meeting room" and paste that into the HubSpot Sales Meeting invite description. We utilize the password function in GTM so back-to-back meetings don't impede on one another, we added instructions to the invite that the password will be the name of the business the person works for (first word only). It's up to our sales associates to make this happen every time. Have you figured out a simpler way to avoid this? If so, please LMK! 🙂 


@VirginiaBee @jacksontyler17 


Our staff are now using their personal meeting room link without a password, so it's really seamless for the contact to join the meeting. Ease of use was what we really wanted for our contacts.


Our staff simply lock the meeting once everybody who is particpating have joined, preventing others from joining in by mistake. The only downfall is meetings really can't go over time which is just a good habit to get into anyway, but we also allow a buffer between meetings just in case.


We are using the same with our personal meeting room link.


@CherylLK Ahhhh. I see. I wasn't aware the lock function existed. I'm the marketing manager at our company, so I don't utilize GoToMeeting heavily like our sales team does. 


@SMidili Nice. Are you/your team utilizing the "lock" function in your meetings like CherylLK described? If so, do you find it sufficient for your needs? I was just concerned that back-to-back meetings may result in people joining in on others meetings/demos and such.

HubSpot Product Team

Hi Communnity,


Thank you all for sharing your feedback!


For transparency I am updating this issue from "In Planning" to "Not Currently Planned" because we wont be able to get to this in the next quarter. 




HubSpot Product Team



Understood. This feature is the one limiting me from switching off of to upgrade my HubSpot Free to paid HubSpot Sales. Many times I'm in longer meetings and need my calender tool to be able to not only schedule my day's meetings, but also create a conference room and auto-send the link so I can finish one meeting and have the next one already set up to go and hop right in. Currently this isn't possible with the goToMeeting feature gap (I would have to manually create a confernece link and then update my clients but I'm in a meeting so I need my tools to do it for me). So I'll keep tracking this idea request and in the future once it's enabled I'd love to chat with sales to look into upgrading my plan.


Thank you!

HubSpot Product Team

Hi All 


Thanks for sharing your ideas on GoToMeeting. We are currently reviewing this and will share updates with you on our plans for this. 


