HubSpot Ideas


GoToMeeting integration to Meetings

I use the meeting tool extensively in my business.  All of my customer meetings are handled remotely and I use GoToMeeting for each.  My HubSpot Meeting tool is connected to my Google Calendar, and my GoToMeeting instance is connected to my Google Calendar, but GoToMeeting doesn't communicate between Meetings and Google Calendar.


Connecting GoToMeeting to HubSpot Meetings would be very beneficial.  That way I do not have to go into each individual meeting in my calendar and add the GoToMeeting instance.


53 Replies
HubSpot Product Team



Just wanted to chime in that a GoToMeeting integration with HubSpot meetings is imperative to our business. The workaround suggested is nice, thank you... however, I'm shocked that this idea has been "not currently planned" for over 3 years with this much interest in the feature. I realize there are two parties involved here to make this happen... I just can't believe both parties don't see the lucrative potential. Fingers crossed for a 2020 release!


Zoom is the worst! We need the GoToMeeting integration. 


HubSpot should definitely integrate with GoToMeeting. 


Agreed. We're a security company, and so we don't use Zoom, which has servers in the PRC. Why force us to use only one provider?


@TByrnes Same for us. We cannot use Zoom because of the security implications. While the new Google Meet functionality is great, a lot of our employees need to use GotoMeeting because that's what clients in our industry typically use.

Member | Elite Partner

Hey HubSpot. Any updates on this? We'd love to see more options for video conference providers other than Zoom and Uber Conference. A lot of clients are noting this as a painpoint to fully using the Meetings tool because they have GoToMeeting as their video conference provider.


Is it possible for people to sefl-schedule with GoTo Meeting like they do with Zoom?  i.e. i create a meeting link, they click onm it, and book their own appointments?


I do not see how to do this.


I know this specific thread was launched in 2016 and was recently updated back in 2020 when it was changed to "not going to update/implement", but I wanted to at least see if we could get another update from the HubSpot Developers.


GoToMeeting may not be the largest tier of the providers, such as Zoom, but a lot of users who use HubSpot as a CRM are using GoToMeeting or at least other alternatives. I see that there is integration for GoToWebinar, which is pretty awesome for creating webinar meetings (since HubSpot does have large database of articles and meetings to educate), but when it comes to being able to integrate this CRM with our day-to-day, it's not elegant because I have to go back and manual add a GoToMeeting invite to a calendar event created through the "meetings" link I made.


It seems there are many 3rd party websites that offer this integration through catching specific triggers, but I'm not looking to pay for a 3rd party website to integrate two products (especially when most of those reviews are not good for those services).


Either way, it would be great to get a status update or any insight into the why HubSpot does not want to integate GoToMeeting.




yup, i agree.  its funny/weird how many very large organizations use gotomeeting.


and the problem is they actualyl block zoom invites as spam.


This would be a good idea since the meeting link is a great tool, but once booked I always have to go back in and update the meeting with all of my GotoMeeting information.


Any updates on this?? It would be super helpful if we could integrate Gotomeeting to Hubspot meeting! Is this something that can be added this year?