Since this post has continued to receive upvotes and comments, I wanted to take a moment to update my original post to clarify this is now live for Enterprise users.
If any HubSpot admins reading this need guidance & best practices around other operational aspects of HubSpot, feel free to reach out
Hi Team!
I understand the "profile & preferences" area within HubSpot is meant to be user-specific, meaning someone logged in to a HubSpot account as a user would be able to manage their personal preferences without alterting those of a team member.
That said - I think there is an opportunity to give admins / super admins control over their team and/or all users within an account, so they can ensure all team members are receiving key notifications to the places they need to receive them (and on the flip side, that there isn't too much noise from irrelevant notifications). The idea here is to give certain people within an account the permission necessary to make global changes to all users / groups of users to ensure everyone is receiving the notifications they need, without each user having to manually manage their own preferences.
Thanks for your feedback. I understand you're frustrated. To help us address your concerns, could you clarify what issue you're referring to and what you mean by "giving us the tools to use the option correctly"? Specific examples would be very helpful.
We want to make sure HubSpot works for everyone, so understanding the problem is the first step. Sharing more details here will help us and other community members find the best solutions. I'm also happy to jump on a quick call if that would be easier – just let me know.
Thanks for the feedback and kind words about this feature! We're glad it's proving useful.
Regarding notification settings, we appreciate your suggestion to restrict user access. While we understand the desire for consistency, we believe these are ultimately personal preferences best left to individual users. Superadmins can certainly configure default and recommended settings, but we feel it's important to maintain user control over their own notifications.
We appreciate you bringing this to our attention. If you have other thoughts on how to address the inconsistencies you've seen, we'd be happy to discuss them.
I’m Pearly, the Product Manager for HubSpot’s notifications tool. I'd like to thank you all for taking the time to submit, vote and comment on this Idea. Thanks to your feedback, the feature is now In Beta! (To gain access to this beta, please contact your HubSpot point-of-contact, whether that’s a CSM or HubSpot Support.)
We’d love your feedback to help us improve and grow, so please continue to leave comments on this thread. We’ll be sure to notify you here when this feature is Delivered, so stay tuned!
@eleporati and @ktfritchen if you're interested to participate in our upcoming research regarding this feature, could you please reach out to me on
My name is Pearly, and I'm the Product Manager for Notifications at HubSpot.
I'm writing to ask whether any of you would be willing to participate in a paid study that I'm running starting from this week.
We are interested in talking with account administrators to better understand their experiences working with notifications and setting them up for their teams. Your feedback will help us determine how best to serve HubSpot account admins when it comes to things like setting up notification settings and preferences.
If you're interested, please feel free to book some time here.
The research call for this paid study:
Will be approximately 40 minutes in duration
Will be conducted remotely via Zoom video call
What to expect:
You don't need to prepare anything!
I'll simply be asking you some open-ended questions to learn about your experience.
Thank you gift: You'll receive a $50 US or International digital gift card from Rybbon, which works like a prepaid credit card.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me directly. I'm happy to help! Finally, if this study is of interest to you, but you're unable to schedule time for next week, please do let me know and I'll find a way to accommodate your schedule at a future time.
I am highly dissapointed this feature is still only available for Enterprise users. Every user gets so many unnessecary, annoying notifications for them. About API keys, social media connections.. Completely spam to them. Also we don't use the contactowner notifications, only the deal notifications. But I can't turn it off for my users, and not all of them are that handy with the software.
I think every Super User should be able to manage everything in the users preferences for their users, not just the ones that can afford Enterprise.
This doesn't really help. Notification Profiles can turn notifications ON for Preset user groups and roles, but cannot turn existing user settings OFF.
Everyone in the firm gets notifications for every conversion, including executives, who send emails asking who's following up with the lead. Everyone agrees it's too much, so they look to me to fix it so they're not notified every time.
As a Super Admin, I can't tell them they have to do it themselves. That's the wrong answer. They assume I don't know how to use HubSpot. This needs to be something I can turn OFF for every user, individually and by group.
@TBishop65 , that is a good point. There are users who need things done for them for the best outcome. Also, it takes a LOT of time walking them through something they don't want to manage or will not remember next time.
@JenniferErena the good news is I found a way around it by editing each form, where notifications can be removed under the "Options" tab, however those users will still get notifications from everything else.
Thank you again for the recent feature implementation. It's been a valuable addition to our workflow.
We've noticed that some users are manually adjusting their notification settings, which has caused some inconsistencies. We'd like to explore the possibility of restricting user access to these settings. Is this a feature that might be on your roadmap?
Thank you again and look forward to your response!
So your response to the issue is to restrict access to it. How about just giving us the tools to use the option correctly by what everyone is talking about. But Hey you will do what you will do and make the platform less attractive for users as there are many others out there now who compete against Hubspot
Thanks for the feedback and kind words about this feature! We're glad it's proving useful.
Regarding notification settings, we appreciate your suggestion to restrict user access. While we understand the desire for consistency, we believe these are ultimately personal preferences best left to individual users. Superadmins can certainly configure default and recommended settings, but we feel it's important to maintain user control over their own notifications.
We appreciate you bringing this to our attention. If you have other thoughts on how to address the inconsistencies you've seen, we'd be happy to discuss them.
Thanks for your feedback. I understand you're frustrated. To help us address your concerns, could you clarify what issue you're referring to and what you mean by "giving us the tools to use the option correctly"? Specific examples would be very helpful.
We want to make sure HubSpot works for everyone, so understanding the problem is the first step. Sharing more details here will help us and other community members find the best solutions. I'm also happy to jump on a quick call if that would be easier – just let me know.