HubSpot Ideas


Global setting to block email domains on ALL forms

I recently needed to update EVERY form individually to restrict certain email domains on each submission form.  It would have been a HUGE time saver if HubSpot had a global setting to allow me to simultaneously set these restrictions on all of my forms. Actually, I was kind of surprised that this feature didn't already exist. Please consider implementing this in a future release.
HUBSPOT DEVELOPMENT: Seriously, it has been almost 3 years and 64 upvotes and you STILL don't have this feature!?  How can you consider yourselves customer-centric when something as time-consuming and tedious as this feature gap is left to rot on the vine? I am beyond disappointed!

UPDATE: My company recently refreshed our website. HubSpots lack of response to this request after years resulted in us choosing an alternative CMS for our new site. The customer has spoken. Shame on you HubSpot!!
111 Comentarios
They are too concerned with changing the UI which nobody asked for, instead of implementing basic & essential functions like this one. 7 Years and counting — maybe after a decade they will fix this.

In my company, I've created a recurring joke - 

The Ideas Forum Is Where Ideas Go To Die


I recite this whenever I speak to a HS service rep and they advise me to go to the ideas forum - just like this request!


7 years this request has been active .... seven... years.... and you have yet to implement a global domain block to prevent spam.... I'm feeling particularly chagrinned that we just committed to a fresh 2-year commitment right now. Now I have to decide if I want to spend the next 3 or 4 hours combing through all the forms on our website, updating each one individually, just to block the spam of our competitors. Thanks HS!



JoeMayall HubSpot Alumni
<u+200e>Jun 3, 2020 1:31 PM 
Hi HubSpot Community,
My name is Joe, I'm the Ideas Forum Manager[...] I'm happy to say we are currently reviewing this request[...] all updates will be relayed on this thread.



What are the odds - yesterday was the 4 year anniversary of hubspot deigning to notice us! 🤣


Because this idea is finally under review I'd like to reiterate that it is not only a need to have a global block of domains BUT ALSO a need to allow for a global block of individual emails. We have been getting spam across forms by a specific Gmail email address and would not be able to address this case unless we can block only that specific Gmail email address.


+1 for this much needed feature


Upvoting despite the fact that this idea will likely continue to be ignored.


Hey everyone!


We have launched Formiguard, an AI-powered real-time message validation tool that blocks form submission if spam is detected.


Currently email validation tools exist, but it is very easy for spammers to bypass them simply by using professional looking emails but typing spammy messages.


Formiguard validates the messages and block submission if gibberish, salesy language, promotions, solicitations, profanity and other spam patterns are detected by the AI.


Sign up and try it for free at if you want to achieve the following:

  1. Prevent your CRM from being polluted by spam and having to waste time and resources cleaning it up
  2. If you want to prevent spammy form submissions from triggering automations and notifications
  3. If you want to prevent skewed analytics


Formiguard is available for all Hubspot plans and also comes with the following features:


  1. A universal email blocklist that applies to all forms in the portal for adding individual email addresses. If you’re getting spammy submissions from free domains like gmail, yahoo, you can add those individual email addresses to the blocklist instead of blocking the whole domain.
  2. A universal IP address blocklist that applies to all forms in the portal. Utilize this feature if you know the IP address of the spammer
  3. Seting a limit of the number of submissions for each form (Best use case: event registration forms) and adjust the limit at will
  4. IP rate limiting to block submissions if repeated attempts from a single IP address is detected


If you have any questions, please let me know




A feature like this is long overdue. We spend over an hour every time we add a new domain to block all the forms.

I love HubSpot for everything it does and its new features—HubSpot advocates for content, content, content, and efficiency. As you add new content, you end up with an equal number of new forms. You also get many new visitors using fake domains and email addresses that prevent you from contacting them. 

There has to be a relatively easy way to create a parent/child relationship in all forms, such as the one attached.Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 5.34.33 PM.png


This would be ideal! How long is it going to take to do this? WordPress integrated with Dynamics is capable of block a list without having to assign it to each form.


Can HubSpot please provide an update on this? Even just to acknowledge that they are still reviewing this thread?





It would be great to have a Global blocklist that stops people from submitting forms, accessing documents & creates a pop-up automatically on accounts to state 'SPAM' or 'COMPETITOR'.


i.e. we have just had a competitor download our pricelist through a form that I had forgotten to blocklist, conduct a meeting with our sales team & receive a quote - all which could have been stopped by a Global blocklist...


Please, please, please enable this feature. Thank you.


This would be extremely helpful functionality to block repeat offendors/competitor domains from form fills as we continue to create new content and forms.