Unfortunately the global search in HubsSpot rarely produces the results I'm looking for. When I type in the name of a company exactly as it is shown on the record, it shows up somewhere between the 5th to the 10th result which means it is not shown on the initial search results page and I have to click on "See all" and the hunt for it.
Recommendation:Show exact matches before partial or wildcard matches.
Test:I typed in "Omega Phi Alpha" which is an exact match for a company in my database. It was the 10th result ony found on the second page after clicking "see all" under theCompaniesheader.
Additional Notes:All my companies are fraternities or sororities which are simply rearrangements of the same 24 greek letters rearranged so wildcard search using the last word as described inthis help articlewill never produce a good result. Is there a way to turn this off? A better algorithm (or make it as an option) would be to do a wildcard search using theentiresearch query so when I type "Omega Alpha" it does a "Omega Alpha*" search instead of an "Alpha*" search.
Quick Fix: A short-term solution would be to allow double-quoted searches to only show exact matches so I can search for "Omega Phi Alpha" (including quotes).
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