HubSpot Ideas


Generated files / feeds need to be exposed and configurable

Syndication is a very basic feature of any site and yet also quite complex with many subtleties.

For the purposes of a marketing site those aren't that relevant .... People typically aren't doing podcast and other custom feeds requiring syndication adjustments.

But.... Many people do prefer atom over rss.

Even if they don't.... The feed still needs to be configurable for leveraging third party integrations such as Feedly.

The sitemap needs to be opened similarly for a plethora of reasons. There are countless posts here wondering how to adjust this and realizing they can't.

There are significant seo implications and restrictions imposed by this. You can't adjust your image sitemap, posts, any indexed set, create or reorganize them, etc....

I also don't believe the CMS automatically pings search engines upon new submissions of posts etc which virtually any cms or framework does. Although I could be wrong there since Ive never seen any documentation indicating this or a way to verify it.
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