Generate proposals/quotes from Deals and Products in the CRM
Create products/pricebooks, & send/receive agreements/quotes/invoices in Hubspot CRM.
In order for us to use Hubspot CRM as a stand alone CRM we'd need to be able to choose products within a deal, Calculate the Full Amount if there are multiple products in one deal, and create agreements/quotes/invoices to send (hopefully through electronic signature) to our clients.
Then of course be alerted of the returning signed agreements within CRM.
Automated Triggers throughout the agreement/quotes/invoices process would be great as well.
Hey folks - my name is Ethan and I'm a product manager here at HubSpot. I wanted to let y'all know that since this thread was posted, we've developed a nativeHubSpot Invoicingsolution and we're actively recruiting for the Invoices Beta. If you're interested,fill out this formand I'll reach out. Keep in mind, invoice creation requires that you are using HubSpot Payments (which is a Starter+ feature), so you will need to apply for Payments if you do not already have access. Learn moreabout applying here.
Invoices can be created directly from Contacts, Companies, Deals, or Quotes (and will pull in associated object information) to speed up your sales process and reduce the risk of human error. Invoices are payable via HubSpot payments (both ACH and Credit Card), and can also be marked as paid manually if payment is received outside of HubSpot payments (e.g. wire transfer, check, PayPal, etc). Invoices are also available in Reporting and Automation to enable you to create time-saving automation and keep a pulse on your revenue and their receivables.
The HubSpot <> Quickbooks integration (and all other accounting integrations) do not yet support invoice-sync.
Invoice sending is manual (for now), so invoices cannot be automatically sent on a pre-set schedule.
The beta is a great fit for small businesses who want to centralize their invoicing and reduce the number of tools they use to send invoices and get paid.Fill out the form if you would like access, or pass it along to someone you know who could benefit. Thank you!
Re: Generate proposals/quotes from Deals and Products in the CRM - changed to: Delivered
I'm so excited to announce that this morning we have released Quotes to all Sales Professional portals. See details in this knowledge doc as well as information about our integration with Stripe released in conjunction with Quotes. Feel free to post new ideas on the forum about additional functionality you'd like to see us add to the Quotes feature, and to reach out to Support with any questions 🙂
Re: Generate proposals/quotes from Deals and Products in the CRM - changed to: In Beta
Hi all! I'm renaming changing the status of this idea back from Delivered to In Planning, as I realize most of you are more interested in a proposal/quote generating feature to accompany the Product Library, that way we can keep you up to date as we work to develop that type of feature.
Re: Create products/pricebooks, & send/receive agreements/invoices in Hubspot CRM. - changed to: Delivered
Products was just launched today (11/1) as part of the brand new Sales Professional. This feature allows HubSpot users to create a product catalog, attach products to deals in the CRM, and report on what items are actually be sold the most.
Creating pricebooks in HubSpot is now in beta for HubSpot Sales Pro users. This feature enables users to create a catalog of products, add those products to deals, and calculate the deal amount automatically.
Hey folks, we're getting pretty close to having anAlphaversion of a products catalog available. If you're interested in joining the Alpha group, please sign up for early access here:
Otherwise, we will reach out directly as we move this into Beta.
Re: Create products/pricebooks, & send/receive agreements/invoices in Hubspot CRM. - changed to: In Planning
In addition to the great ideas about quotes, and managing the exact pricing for each deal.
we use tiered based pricing, based on # visitors to client website, and # of SKUs in the catalog, and it's not always same tiers for all clients since there are more params...I'm really looking for a way to manage this in Hubspot.
Also, we would like to calculate our sales team commission based on their that planned as well?
@mschnitt Hey there! I am Sales Pro and requested access to your early version of Quotes via Google Sheets and would love to start using it! Please let me know
I'd like to call on certain product attributes in webpages and emails -- just like personalization tokens.
Hope I'm explaining that correctly. Just like I can insert "{{contact.firstname}}" in a webpage or email, I'd love to have "{{product.price}}" for example. That way, when a price changes, I could change it once and it would update everywhere the token is used.
That's exactly what we need, we have been facing big challenges trying to integrate Hubspot, PandaDoc and WorkflowMax to do tasks listed here, it's awfull. A lot of rework, information that does not work with APIs...
I submitted the beta request form, it would be really nice to have a look on how it's working and see if it fits our business or if we need to keep searching for alternatives.
As mentioned early on, a major hold up for the company I work for is the inability to break down revenue.
Granted sales needs to be able to calculate "booked revenue" which is the month in which a contract comes back signed from the client. But there is also a need to be able to view "earned revenue" which is when the services are provided and clients are billed.
For instance if sales closes a deal for an advertisement in June, to run in our December publication. The booked revenue would be in December, and the earned revenue would be allocated to June once the ad runs.
I'm so excited to announce that this morning we have released Quotes to all Sales Professional portals. See details in this knowledge doc as well as information about our integration with Stripe released in conjunction with Quotes. Feel free to post new ideas on the forum about additional functionality you'd like to see us add to the Quotes feature, and to reach out to Support with any questions 🙂
Hey team. Great work on the quotes tool. Question: have you considered to integrate other payment methods besides of Stripe (I.e. PayPal) ? Our Panama-based agency is not eligible for Stripe (yet).
Very curious about if we can expect to see an Electronic Signature option? Seems it's either no signature at all, or you have to print and sign? Was very excited about this until I encountered the lack of functionality.
Can we please have a click to accept quote button added in the meantime? With a notification sent to the quote sender as well as an update added to the deal timeline?
It would be ideal if there were a way to click a button while creating a quote that automatically emailed the quote to the customer once published. Maybe I missed it, but it seems like creating the quote and then sending the quote to the customer are currently two different actions, when 99% of the time I want them to happen simultaneously.
@mlahens Hi! We have some Products that are "hours of service". So if the customer is paying for design, and our designers estimate this job will take them 4 hours to finish it, our Deal has a Product like "Design Hours X 4". It's ok to show this internally in the backend, but when we create a Quote in the Deal, this amount of hours, or amount of the same Product, it's shown in the products table.
I would like to remove it from the Quote. It's more like an internal metric than for the clients.