Further functions / filters of Kanban View in Tasks
It would be great to implement more functionality in the Kanban View of Hubspot Tasks.
Saving of different views due to different filters
Editing the cards to view more information like company and contacts or deals
Clicking on the task card will open the right sidebar, like all other objects
Editing the different phases of the Kanban view
Further, it would be great to be able to assign the tasks to complete teams and / or different users. In that case, you also have to be able to give more transparency to the creator of tasks. Actually, we have to use the notice field to show who created the task.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
Ugh, I can't believe I'm the only upvote on this. I've got this big list of tasks and need to group by priority or by company or by deal in order to figure out how to attack the pile. I really hope this happens, right now I don't think the task list feature of hubspot is sophisticated enough to use
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