Freeze the first column (with contact or company name)
There have been a lot of posts asking to freeze the first title row, but I'm surprised there's not more requests for freezing the first column, like you often do in Excel.
Right now, I can edit the columns available to view under table actions (which is super), but realistically, I can only view ~5 of those columns at a time anyway, before I have to scroll over to the right to see more of which point I no longer am able to see which company/contact's row I am on (unless I manage to continuously hover my mouse over that row while scrolling right).
Please make it so I can freeze the first column with contact/company name!
PS a bonus level would be to have the option to freeze multiple columns as well, but the first is absolutely the most important.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
Yes! This would make a HUGE difference in the usability! I'm constantly making sure I'm on the right row, etc. First column should always be frozen, in my POV
Yes! This would make a HUGE difference in the usability if we can freeze the (n first columns) ! I'm loosing to much time making sure I'm on the right row, etc. Please develop it 🙏
Haven't seen anything and still suffering with many from the lack of this essential and most basic functionality. Some of our users have had enough of the lack of usability to review lists of deals and are switching back to spreadsheets. 100s of requests for this feature seem to have started in 2020...
Thanks so much for the feedback on this idea - I'm pleased to let you know that this feature is in planning! I will post here as we move towards a release.
Good news!! - As of today this feature is available in Public Beta! To access, login as an Admin to your HubSpot portal, select your avatar in the upper right (in the navigation) -> Product Updates -> Betas (on the left side under 'Early Access'). Select 'Join Beta' which, after a quick refresh or so, will turn the functionality on in your account.
The product notification will explain how to access the feature (tldr, select 'edit column' on any Index page view like 'Contacts' and you can opt to Freeze the name column). Be sure to save your update so its there next time. You'll have to take these steps on any view you'd like the name column frozen on. We intend to continue to iterate on this feature so please keep the feedback coming!
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