HubSpot Ideas


Fractional Quantities for Hub Payments

My company provides consulting services for government contractors and we typically have a bill rate of $XX every 1/6 hour (10 minutes). That means that most of our quantities end up having increments of 0.1667 or 0.3333 or 0.5000 or 0.6667 or 0.8333 (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 minutes respectively).


So, as an instance, if we provide 5 hours and 40 minues of consulting services to a client say at $500/hr. The formula is simple enough being $500 x 5.6667 = $2,833.35. However, right now, Hub Payments does not allow for "fractional quataties" and instead of putting the 5.6667 in the quantity, you have to put the hourly rate in the quantity line and then round to the nearest 2 decimal and put the "hours" in the product rate line.

This seems like a fairly straight forward and a simple addition to Hub Payments to allow for fractional quantities. Other examples of industries that would likely use fractional quantities could be construction, lawn services, other consulting services.

I would be happy to help test and brainstorm this idea further to improve HubSpot altogether.

3 Replies

Quantités fractionnaires pour les paiements Hub






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Yes! This is so badly needed!