HubSpot Ideas


Forwarding emails

need a forward option in emails. sometimes i would like to forward again the email to the same contact or someone else. but currently theres only a reply button.

8 Replies

Yes agree, we really need the forward function.

Top Contributor

This is a standard feature in most platforms, can't believe Hubspot doesn't have it yet


I agree, just like with printing an email which is also not available, this is a standard feature in most platforms which is missing.

HubSpot Product Team

Hi everyone! Which part of HubSpot are you looking for forwarding functionality in and not seeing it? 

Top Contributor

Hroberts -


I am looking for the Forward to a Friend option that is usually with the social share icons or a link in most other marketing automation platforms. The current way to do that with Hubspot is to use the social share block, add a custom icon, create the email as a landing page, add the url to the custom icon for every single email send. Most other clients do this process automatically and you just include it as an option in the social share section or you can insert a link similar to the subscription link in a rich text block. 

HubSpot Product Team

Thanks for the clarification, @vdecker1! I thought this was indicating that you weren't seeing the option to forward on email threads in the CRM or Conversations (an idea delivered in September). It sounds like this is more asking for a default social sharing via email button to work the same way we offer for other networks. Is that correct?

Top Contributor

@hroberts correct, a sharing via email button (forward to a friend) in the social block as well as a text link that I can insert in a rich text block.

HubSpot Product Team

Got it. I'm going to update the tags on this post to ensure it gets seen by the appropriate teams!