HubSpot Ideas


Forms in Custom Report Builder

Hi there, 


As a HubSpot user, I would like to analyse forms and their submission in the custom report builder.
This was already possible in beta, but was unfortunately removed again upon release.

Unfortunately, @JoeMayall's  solution to this only works to a limited extent for our use case: "The best place to analyze form submissions is in the Form Analytics page (Analytics Tools > Forms)"

What we need:


  • Filter submissions (e.g. by lifecyclestage of the contact)
  • Further data on submissions (e.g. on which website took it place).
  • Further options for graphical representation. Currently there are only Area, Column and Line.
  • Drill down from the report to the individual contact. Similar to almost all existing reports, a table should open when the report is interacted with. At present, the report only links to the form.
  • And most importantly: A report that depends on the exact time of the submission. First and recent conversion are too imprecise for this.


HubSpot Updates
Being Reviewed
June 18, 2024 09:01 AM

Hi everyone,


I'd like to thank you all for taking the time to submit, vote, and comment on this Idea.


My name is Sabari Ram, and I’m the Product Manager responsible for this feature. 

I'm happy to announce that this feature is now In Development. 

I will keep this thread updated as we get close to releasing the feature. Thank you for your patience.



Sabari Ram

Product Lead

101 Replies

I need to create a report on how many interactions my team has with a specific group of contacts. "Interactions" is defined as form submissions of a handful of specific forms, some of which are designed to be submitted multiple times by a contact. The custom report builder doesn't have access to form submissions, and in the form reporting, I can't combine submissions across forms or filter submissions by specific contact groups, so there's just no way for met to get these numbers. (My workaround going forward is to have the form submission trigger a workflow to create a Task called "#form-interactions-reporting" and then I can report on the tasks with that name, but this is kind of a silly solution since I'm just creating clutter by duplicating one hidden/inaccessible piece of data as another type of data that I can see.) The data I need is already there in a table in moy portal. Can I please have access to it?