HubSpot Ideas


Forms in Custom Report Builder

Hi there, 


As a HubSpot user, I would like to analyse forms and their submission in the custom report builder.
This was already possible in beta, but was unfortunately removed again upon release.

Unfortunately, @JoeMayall's  solution to this only works to a limited extent for our use case: "The best place to analyze form submissions is in the Form Analytics page (Analytics Tools > Forms)"

What we need:


  • Filter submissions (e.g. by lifecyclestage of the contact)
  • Further data on submissions (e.g. on which website took it place).
  • Further options for graphical representation. Currently there are only Area, Column and Line.
  • Drill down from the report to the individual contact. Similar to almost all existing reports, a table should open when the report is interacted with. At present, the report only links to the form.
  • And most importantly: A report that depends on the exact time of the submission. First and recent conversion are too imprecise for this.


HubSpot Employee

Hi team,


commenting for a customer here.

To follow up on this, would love to see number of form submissions tagged to each landing page as well. Currently, we can see it in traffic analytics tool but not in our custom report builder.

Thank you!


To add to that, the ability to show this on a dashboard report would be ideal as well. Being able to identify specific forms in a report with number of submissions, lifecycle stage when form was submitted etc.

参加者 | Elite Partner

Should be perfect to be able to add all form analytics reports to a dashboard, instead of only 2 at the moment.


For example creating a custom report with the sources of entry for a specific form (ebook for example). 


This would be super helpful as we've created automation systems around one particular form we feature heavily on our website and in campaigns, would be great to filter deals that were created from these form submissions in our reports.



Yes, we need to be able to pull this data into a dashboard! 

メンバー | Elite Partner

Also commenting for a customer - would love to see this feature come out! My customer uses a form to capture people interested in a demo and then later sends them a calendar to book the demo. They want to track conversion rates of those who filled out the form and actually did book a meeting, but right now, the closest thing we can get to getting reporting on this is with the performance section of a workflow. They'd like to have a report they can filter by specific time ranges!

トップ投稿者 | Diamond Partner

Our customers, to, want detailed form submission analytics. Treat each form submission like an object, or like an event, so you can use it in reports and filters.


It's pretty surprising that this feature doesn't already exist.

Alongside this, a mechanism for non-digital channels as well. My understanding is Hubspot is used mostly by B2B businesses, so having more effective tools to report on lead generation in other channels would be great. You can't manually add these and then use first/recent conversion date because they are a Hubspot property that is locked.


Upvoted. I need to be able to organize our form reporting and the out of the box solutions aren't giving me the flexibility I need.  Using Analytics > Forms, I was able to narrow down to just the forms we want to see but the visual is breaking it down by downloads per day vs downloads per form for the time period selected.  Ideally we'd see a chart with X axis = resource name, Y axis = count of submissions, for rolling date range selected and compared to the previous time period. 


This would be really good to have it. I actually have some limitations with that and at the end I have to check it manually. What I see is that with the standard reports I can filter by type of form but I can't do the same with the custom report builder when I want to see it by month.


I can only agree with this. We need the ability to filter by form submissions in the custom reports in the dashboard at the contact level. We want to map the net growth of our newsletter subscribers, but currently for contacts we can only map that they unsubscribed from the newsletter, but not that they had filled out the newsletter form. Building a workaround via a workflow would probably work, but is not the optimal solution.


All of our lead gen offers start with a form submission. Not including Form Submission as a data point in the new Custom Report Builder makes it impossible for us to report on all the various downstream activities we want to see as a result of submitting Form A about one topic vs. Form B on a test topic. Additionally, I am segmenting my prospects and pulling my lists based on form submission which means I cannot drill into any insights on those lists because Custom Report Builder won't let me use Form Submission in conjunction with my list. 


Agreed, this is a common sense feature that is a must have for enterprise organizations.  With the utilization of dynamic forms, being able to easiliy filter and looks at the form submission data within Hubspot (not Excel) is a must. 


Agreed too - we really need to be able to report by form submission, so for instance building a report in the custom builder that shows anyone who has ever submitted Form X [so not just first/most recent conversions], and then being able to analyze those results.


Some examples: we sometimes want to filter out particular lifecycle stages or lead statuses; plot form submissions over time or filter to just show specific date ranges; see info on which contacts have associated deals; group results on company or email domain...


This is so important to have in Custom Report Builder and to be able to add to Dashboards. 


I'd love to be able to see form submissions by Lifecycle Stage and customer type.


I was going to post something very similar. It's a shame that the only item available to use for custom report builder is pageviews. The submissions data is there, but we're unable to use it!


Upvoted! We would love to be able to custom report via form submissions in order to see the number of contacts that register for our webinars overtime. Thank you! 




We could use this


Well crafted idea that speaks exactly to our needs as well.