At present, HubSpot "Dependent Fields" can serve new form fields based on a selection made in a previous form field.
"Conditional Logic", however, serves different form fieldoptions based on a selection made in a previous form field. This is an important distinction as it requires only one "Property" for the options, regardless of the initial form field selection.
If I'm not clear, here's an example:
Property 1: Location
Property 2: Duration
User selects from a Location dropdown. Location options are "Madrid" or "London". We only offer "4 Weeks" and "6 Weeks" for "London", but offer "4 Weeks" or "12 Weeks" for "Madrid".
"Dependent Fields" will serve Duration upon a Location selection, but all options will be shown, even though we do not offer all Duration options for both Locations.
HubSpot recommends we create a new "Property" for each Location. This is not feasible when there are many Locations.
"Conditional Logic" simply serves the appropriate form field options based on the Location selected. So when selecting "London" the options shown would be "4 Weeks" and "6 Weeks", and for "Madrid" only "4 Weeks" or "12 Weeks" would be shown, but they would all populate the same "Property". Duration.
We'd certainly be interested in conditional form logic across our DTC website request forms. If you need a company to help Beta test this, I'd be happy to help. This is a feature that would be very helpful for our needs!
I’m Ian, the Product Manager for HubSpot’s Forms tool.
Thank you all for taking the time to submit, upvote, and comment on this Idea. We've now added conditional logic to the new forms editor. You can request to join the beta through Product Updates.
hello, how do we enter this beta as well we are trying to set this up so states inject into salesforce without having to do it for every single country on a separate field.
@IMcDonald I am pretty sure I have this BETA for Conditional Logic in the New Forms editor in my new account but it doesn't seem to show the subset despite the rules put in place?