HubSpot Ideas


Form submission filter based on "form name contains any of" rules

When a Marketing department makes use of hundreds of forms to collect leads with paid advertising it would like to create active lists that keep track if/when these leads turn into actual revenue. In this way it can determine the effectiveness/ROI of paid activities.


The current list filter Hubspot provides for this, only let's you select indivdual forms to include in the filter. When you make use of hundreds of forms, setting up this filter will take hours and is very sensitive to errors. Also, when you add a new form to your campaigns you need to manually add this form to the Hubspot filter.




This problem would be solved if you were able to create the filter based on "form name contains any of" rules/dropdowns. This way of filtering is possible with other properties in Hubspot.


Having this feature for including forms in bulk will save hours of manually adding form names to a filter and makes sure that the filter itself will add newly created forms as long as you make use of a consitent naming convention for forms and the form name corresponds with the created filter.





We need this as well. We manage ~1,000 forms, which makes manually adding one-off forms to filters doesn't work. This is also a pain when working with HubSpot's score properties. Adding induvial forms is time consuming, not maintainable, and not scalable.

This was one of the biggest shocks when I moved over from Marketo. We've gotten around it a bit by adding a ton of hidden fields to our forms and using those hidden properties for our filtering. But even that has its limitations.



Agree that this would be immensely helpful as we have a multitude of forms that we manage and add as the year goes along that have a similar naming convention. It would be great if we could pull them all in automatically using, for instance, a naming convention that listed the campaign name. 


Agreed. Although there are a few examples of things you can do instead of using a "contain" search for forms - you can add a hidden field related to a dedicated property. And then - every time you are going to add a new form (for a specific type - for example - a form for opt-ins to a newsletter VS a form to book a dem-0) - you know that you need to add this populated hidden property. This way you can run reports and lists based on a free text property that is unique for each form OR form types OR number of forms and you have total flexibility. If you need more details/clarification I would be happy to help. 


This request/feedback has been raised in the Japanese Community as well. (Link to the thread here.)

Here's a summary of the user comment:

Being able to filter the forms and lists based on "name contains any of" or "name starts with any of" would be handy to manage thousands of forms and lists.


We need this! It not logical that you can firler by content in some name properties (deal name), but can´t use the same logic for forms names. 

HubSpot Employee

This would be super helpful! 

投稿者 | Platinum Partner

I really need this functionality!  Should be a quite easy thing to add? 


This would be quick to add and would create a massive benefit for list filtering on forms


Absolutely essential for our Group too. 


This would be super helpful! 


We need this!


This feature is essential! 


Yes please, this filter feature would save a lot of time and margin for error.


+1 we definitely need this