Would be helpful to be able to filter the date ranges on the forecast feature in a custom range. For instance, we run on a fiscal year July1- June 30. And now, as it stands we can not forecast on this date range.
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Without this, Hubspot is useless for forecasting for those not a on calendar year fiscal. Why is this option STILL not available. Seems like a pretty basic feature request.
Requested an update on this feature during our renewal as it is crucial to basic sales forecasting and reporting and was told it's not on the roadmap! This feature should be priority #1 IMO. If your fiscal year does not align with the calendar year you can't use 1/2 of HubSpot's forecasting tools.
The team is running a beta that allows you to manage goals and forecast based on your fiscal year. If you'd like to participate in the beta, please fill out this form.
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