HubSpot Ideas


Follow-up emails "from" address/user

When creating editing form follow-up emails, HubSpot allows only choosing one of the registered HubSpot users to be the sender.


I propose allowing the form creator to select any of the email aliases (such as those HubSpot identifies via Gmail/Outlook integration) as the from address so that these emails can be sent from a "team email address" (see Groups in Google Workspace). Without this, HubSpot forms is practically useless for us.


Further, I propose allowing the form creator to select the "Reply To" address, which if unselected sets reply to as the same as From.


I completely agree. We have an automated follow up email in a couple of our forms that needs to go to a team channel/inbox rather than an individual user.  The follow up settings only allow us to send from an individual user. That would be fine if I could select one of the aliases, but it won't allow me to do that either. So I guess the only workaround is to create a new user account for this group email (like, just so we can send emails from that address. Cumbersome.


This is definitely a very important feature and it makes no sense that a follow-up email comes from a different email sender purely because HubSpot does not allow custom email addresses for these.


It's crazy that you can do this when using workflows and "regular" marketing emails (as a professional hub user) but not for follow-up emails. It basically makes no sense.