Currently you can move forms into folders, but they still appear in the default view. It would be really helpful if the folder organization is similar to how workflows are organized with folders. Also helpful would be having the "select all" option also for forms.
You already have the solution in your Marketing/Emails section. Your developers have ALREADY BUILT THIS FEATURE. You do not have to reinvent a wheel, the foundation is already poured...fill in your own metaphor here.
Product Managers: After submitting my own issue on a broken Folder View, I searched for Folder View and found 40 separate issues submitted around folders, none with a lot of upvotes, but all together show that this is a significant problem to the community. Please fix.
I've just been asking the same question re sorting forms in folders so that they can be found more easily. Shame it isn't there given the concept of folders exists in other parts of the system.