Similar to the new folders to organize contact list, the same organization for workflows is needed. Many of my workflows automate specific campaigns or simple administrative tasks. Many of them are related or unrelated in someway. I would love a way to better organize each workflow into a folder structure.
Thank you for reporting @Anonymous, the team is working on a fix! If you encounter something like this in the future, I would recommend opening a support ticket so it can be sure to get to the team's attention as soon as possible! I will update here again once this is fixed
You can now organize your workflows into folders on the workflows listing page. Navigate to the workflows tool and you’ll see an updated design for the Workflows listing page. There's a new option to “Create folder” in the top right. Once you create the folder, you can bulk select workflows and move them into the folder.
Note: You can only create one level of folders, and cannot nest them. Deleting a folder also deletes all the workflows inside of it, which is made clear in the prompt.
Thank you everybody for your patience and for providing feedback on this. We know this is a huge pain point today in Workflows and definitely want to solve it, but we want to solve it the right way. This is something we hope to tackle in 2019, and we'll keep you updated here.
I'm using the HubSpot Marketing tool for over a year now and have the screaming need to organise everything created so far.
We can put SmartLists in to folders and emails in to categories, but... This would be extremely useful for Forms and Workflows as well (and every other option that doesn't have it.)
Currently we use Forms to collect information and we have different types / categories of forms. Some are for subscription purposes and some are sales oriented. Our current solution is to put specific acronyms in the Form name but this is far from a satisfying solution. Same goes with Workflows.
Please consider this as it's super important (I really can't stress enough the importancy of this for our business).
(Apologies if a similar thread has already been posted, but I couldn't find one)
@Enchev, this is something we are considering as part of language categorisation of Forms. Can you share some more use cases or how you would implement folderification of forms!
Example - we have forms that qualify our leads for a "Marketing" stage. We call them "Marketing Qualifying Forms". We used to have bunch of those, now our work is better organised and we need 3 to 4 maximum. However, we have forms that indicate people are Sales Ready and we send the contacts to SalesForce. Those are "Sales Qualifying Forms".
Also, we have forms specifically for campaigns and these forms will be used for few months only.
Also we have another brand to support on the same HubSpot instance and this brand needs to have also Marketing, Sales and Campaign forms. It is not easy for us to just separate them by naming them "Brand A - Marketing Form 1" or "Brand B - Sales Form 2".
Being able to create few folders will do a lot in this. I wish to be able to create 2 major folders called "Brand A" and "Brand B" and then sub folders "Marketing, Sales, Campaigns, Other"
As for Workflows - the same. We have flows that:
Assin properties;
Send contacts to campaigns under certain conditions and criteria;
Send emails after specific campaigns and download requests; and etc. etc. etc.
I would like the ability within the workflows tab to create folders to keep all my workflows organized (ie: drips, automation rules, etc.). Anyone else feel this way?
I would suggest adding a feature where you can add workflows in folders. So that way you can have you products folder, nuture, hot leads, etc. It would be a huge help.
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