HubSpot Ideas


Folders to organize Workflows

Similar to the new folders to organize contact list, the same organization for workflows is needed. Many of my workflows automate specific campaigns or simple administrative tasks. Many of them are related or unrelated in someway. I would love a way to better organize each workflow into a folder structure.

HubSpot Updates
October 01, 2019 04:12 AM

Hi @Lauren_Lokker - Thanks for the feedback! Folders within folders for workflows has been added as a new thread here, please upvote there so we can assess customer support for this particular request:


@Melly2022 & @KeyWestScott Thanks for your feedback as well! I'd recommend adding your vote and comments to this post that raises a similar request:



August 22, 2019 12:22 PM

@Anonymous Sorry about that! We just found and fixed this. It should work as expected now.


@auto_mate Thanks for the feedback! We're actively looking into the sorting rules used to determine order and will have a fix out soon.

August 22, 2019 12:21 PM

Thank you for reporting @Anonymous, the team is working on a fix! If you encounter something like this in the future, I would recommend opening a support ticket so it can be sure to get to the team's attention as soon as possible! I will update here again once this is fixed Smiley Happy

August 22, 2019 04:26 AM

You can now organize your workflows into folders on the workflows listing page. Navigate to the workflows tool and you’ll see an updated design for the Workflows listing page. There's a new option to “Create folder” in the top right. Once you create the folder, you can bulk select workflows and move them into the folder.


Note: You can only create one level of folders, and cannot nest them. Deleting a folder also deletes all the workflows inside of it, which is made clear in the prompt.

In Beta
August 07, 2019 12:13 PM

Hi everyone, I'm excited to say that the day has finally come, and we have put workflow folders in beta! If you'd like to participate in the beta, please fill out this form and we will get you added: 

Re: Folders to organize Workflows - changed to: In Planning
November 16, 2018 01:57 PM

Thank you everybody for your patience and for providing feedback on this. We know this is a huge pain point today in Workflows and definitely want to solve it, but we want to solve it the right way. This is something we hope to tackle in 2019, and we'll keep you updated here. 

109 Replies
Key Advisor

@MFrankJohnson Along those lines are anytime that choices are available (a listing of Campaigns, lists of Lists, etc) that they are not alphabetized.  Just a haphazard, unordered cluster.



Member | Diamond Partner

This would be a HUGE help for us, we have a lot of workflows running - being able to organize them by campaign would create a lot of clarity!

Key Advisor

In addition to setting up folders, it would be helpful that when a workflow is moved to a folder that it is also removed from the full / default listing of all workflows.  Think Windows Explorer.  You don't have a default view of every file that is on your computer, but ones that are ONLY in the current folder view.  This would also be helpful in other areas as well, ie Lists. et al.




^^^ what @KeyWestScott  said!! Seeing all emails / all workflows in a massive list is never helpful, always confusing. Foldering as default is Woman Very Happy


Since this feature is still unavailable, I have started to name workflows based on pipeline/stage.  This way I can search and find all the ones pertaining to that workflow.  However, the search feature is not always accurate.  If I search a term "TOF" it doesn't find all of the worfklows that contain this term in the title.  It only finds it if it's in the beginning of title.  So until a filing system is implemented, consistency in naming each related workflow with same begging title is crucial. 

Key Advisor

@IRAR Well considering that this thread, for something so basic, has been here for almost 2 years  Smiley SadSmiley Sad.  I'm sure that there is plenty of time for them to do it right.



@KeyWestScott AGREED!!! 


Much needed. Much overdue.


Also, adding a sort via campaign would be very beneficial. 


Is this something that's in progress? Would love to see this for contacts, forms, pop-ups... really everything.



Not applicable

We also need the ability to archive a workflow (there are lots of comments, not sure if this is already one of them).


This needs to happen. I have too many workflows and no great way to organize them.


I believe this would be very helpful for organization of automated tasks


I still sad everytime I click on Workflows and still don't see an option for folders.

Key Advisor

@boaventuraale  LOL  Same.  Seems that is should be such an easy feature to implement. 


sadness all around :*( ... crappier automation platforms like act-on have this in their system.


Come on!!! do this Hubspot!

Top Contributor

Would be very helpful!


Really could do with this feature. So many workflows are back-office data related vs email marketing nurture campaigns. Enabling folders would allow a really simple but effective way to separate these and offer a much easier way to manage as the volume gets greater.