How does this not exist? There are folders to organize workflows, but not reports or dashboards. This is a major oversight. I have found numerous discussions here and elswhere with many other folx interested in this feature. Can we please get this on the table for review? It should be a pretty straightforward architectural change. Would love to hear from someone in product management on this, perhaps there is a reason that is does not yet exist?
Our company has had HubSpot for nearly a year and I agree with the necessity for this feature. It's very basic, not sure why it isn't at least in beta at this point. Please solution this request. Thank you!
We really need this - we have 500+ reports in our Portal and it's impossible to keep it clean and organized without being able to create folders or tag/label reports in any way.
+1. We'd love categories to store like-dashbaords. Bonus if those categories could hold permissions at the category (esentially a folder) level - would make sharing with executives and teams much easier.