HubSpot Ideas


Folders/tags for forms

We have multiple active websites and HubSpot landing pages, so we have hundreds of forms. It would be helpful to be able to categorize them within folders, both from an organizational standpoint and reporting.


It would be helpful to be able to bucket them into folders (i.e. whitepaper forms, demo forms, etc.) or by other custom properties (campaign, what product they're promoting/related to, intended buyers stage, etc.).

Mises à jour HubSpot
Re: Folders/tags for forms - changed to: Delivered
July 04, 2018 08:22 AM

Hi all, as of today you can now organise forms into folders from the forms dashboard. 

5 Commentaires

I'm just starting out with HubSpot and would have to agree that Folders are definitely needed for organizing forms. A long list is so unwieldy.

Statut mis à jour : Delivered
Équipe de développement de HubSpot
Équipe de développement de HubSpot

Hi all, as of today you can now organise forms into folders from the forms dashboard. 

Contributeur | Partenaire solutions Diamond

Yes, there are folders now, but if you have lots of forms, the folders will get mixed up with the forms and won't display on the front page (unless they are "last modified" - the default display option). Sure would be nice to have folders default to the home page or at the very least, be able to sort for folders (instead of last modified) or even be able to pin a folder to the front page.


To tack onto this, I think it would also be helpful if you could use the tags within workflows. 


On our website we have "corporate" forms and then "sales person" forms. We have workflows set up where all 9402934 of the corporate forms are listed out. It would be so much cleaner if we could just "tag" the corporate forms and then use the tag as the enrollment criteria in the workflow. 


I think tags would be an amazing addition to the organization of forms.


For me specifically, there's been several occasions where I wanted to build a list or assign enrollment criteria to a workflow and found it physically and mentally impossible to add all of the forms in one-by-one.


If we could have a feature that allows us to use form folders or form tags it would save a lot of time.


For example, I work for a company that has several different product lines. We have multiple forms for each product line. So if I wanted to create a list based on contacts who have submitted any of the 15 forms for Product A, I would have to select each one separately in different list filters. Which is a HUGE pain. Now if all I had to do was filter by contacts who have submitted a form with the tag, Product A, it would make a big difference.