HubSpot Ideas


Folders for projects

We use HS marketing and HS services, we are starting to get a lot of projects.
Currently there is nothing in place to organize projects. 
Would be great to create folders for projects so different teams can access their projects faster. 
Or it least separate HS marketing from HS services. 

2 Kommentare

I feel this was sorely overlooked....when you start getting large lists of projects, it seems very awkward to not be able to sort or put into separate folders.


As it has been previously stated it would be very beneficial to file these away. We are currently using Business Units and as we divide out our different brand projects it would help for sorting/filtering of items for there to be folders, along with a way to filter in alphabetical order or even by project due dates. We noticed that the view of projects isn't the same amongst users, so my marketing team is viewing them in different order even though we all see the same projects. Also, I'm not even seeing a way to close a project (other than archiving it), so they continue to sit there even when all of the tasks within the project are completed. This was submitted over 3 years ago - is there any progress on this area of HubSpot?