HubSpot Ideas


Flexible Import into "Dropdown Select" Properties

Summary: Allow mapping of spreadsheet values to existing values in a "Dropdown" property, rather than forcing identical matching


More detail: When importing data, it would be great if the values for a dropdown proprety didn't have to match exactly what was in your spreadsheet import, but you could manually map the fields from the spreadsheet to the property options upon import.


Who would this benefit: Anyone doing spreadsheet imports into HubSpot


Goal: Save time on import by mimimizing need to re-format spreadsheet before import.


Examples: Pipedrive's Spreadheet import offers this functionality. You can map the values from your file to files in your dropdown field. See the screenshot below.



3 Replies

This would be amazing - also to have the ability to create a new option for the dropdown at the import stage.


This is a great idea! Would save so much time during imports.

HubSpot Product Team