How about we flip the script. Who here actually likes the new workflow view? It's like driving in a blizzard with snow sticking to every windshield of your car, and having to manually clear a single viewport at a time just to be able to see where you're going.
I'm seriously considering switching platforms if this is just going to be hand-waved and censored as a topic of discussion. Might be forced to stick with it for a while from current infrastructure lock-in, but I would never be able to recommend this platform to a client again if this is the interface I'm forced to work with.
How hard is it to make these hugely subjective and entirely trivial design changes an optional toggle?
I have work to do and the platform's horrible UI is preventing me from doing it.
The entire functionality described here can be remedied by zooming in to 60% or more within a workflow view - more details in the linked thread above.
This post can be deleted / archived if necessary, or left up incase anyone else encounters the same confusion from the latest update.
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