It'd be great if there was a way to click on a user and see every Workflow they may be a part of.
This would solve a problem that currently exist.
Mainly, right now, if someone is on vacation or off for any reason, I cannot just remove them from any automatic rotations that they're in. I have to search the Workflows and edit it manually.
If I could click on User A, and have a list appear showing all Workflows they're specifically in, I can then click that Workflow and make the edit manually.
We already have this function within Properties that we can see any Workflows, Forms, etc, that the Property is associated with.
I'm just hoping we can duplicate this feature for each User as well.
Você deve ser um usuário registrado para adicionar um comentário aqui. Se você já estiver registrado, faça logon. Se você ainda não estiver registrado, registre-se e faça logon.