It would be great to have a filter that filters contacts by global bouncing, not only if they unsubscribe from marketing emails.
F.e: If a contact is not working anymore in an enterprise and its email is disabled, it would be of great help this kind of filter to keep the database updated.
Why is it so hard to set a Contact property (current or new) to indicate this explicitly when immediately you go to the Contact record there is a big banner across the top of the page. if we could just get access to the property that sets that banner....
I'd like to add "Globally Bounced" as a filter criteria to mark contacts as Non-Marketing. It doesn't make sense to pay for globally bounced contacts in my contact tier...
@IuliaArtean No, they don't have a solution for this yet. This week support created a list that shows Email Hard Bounce Reason is Known or Marketing Emails Bounced is Greater than or equal to 1. The list uncovered some records that need to be cleaned up but I'm having to review each record and few are "global bounces."
The workaround is to create a list of hard bounces. Go to "Marketing" > "Email" > "Email Tools" > "Create list of hard bounced contacts." Be sure to check the box "Include global bounces." This works for me.
HubSpot charges our clients for the number of marketing contacts in the system. However, when a contact bounces globally for all of HubSpot, there is no prooperty on the contact record that indicates that this has happened. Thus, there is no way to trigger an automation to remove that contact as marketing contact. I have a client with 200,000 contacts and I an unable to filter database in any way to ascetain who can not be sent emails but is still a marketing contact.
@thechiefgood - Please see the post above yours from @DChase. This was a great solution and worked for me.
The workaround is to create a list of hard bounces. Go to "Marketing" > "Email" > "Email Tools" > "Create list of hard bounced contacts." Be sure to check the box "Include global bounces." This works for me.
Hi @andrew_thomas , thanks for the tag. Yes, I did see that and I'm using it as an current workaround, but it requires ongoing manual effort to generate these statis lists and what I'm looking for is a real time update to a contact property that will trigger the appropriate workflows for my client to keep their marketing contacts and marketing lists constantly up to dote.
It amazes me this isn't a capability already. The system obviously knows who is a global bounce, since it prevents sequence enrollment. Why that can't be exposed in some way is really a failure imho. It is SO VERY CUMBERSOME to enroll people in sequences because many of them will be global bounces there is no way to filter out. So click 50 people, enroll, "4 out of 50 can't be enrolled" because of a status of "Bounced". Really, hubspot? You have a status of "bounced" in your system and you can't let me filter my list on that??? That's.. bananas.
So here's my insane workaround: Create the view with the right filters for whatever sequence you're trying to enroll to. Open it up on two separate windows. One the first screen, attempt to enroll everyone in a sequence. On the next screen, it will show the number that can't be enrolled because of bounce: check them off in on the second screen, and click "add to static list". I have a static list called "ManualBounce", and I add them to that. Then with a filter of "Non in list: ManualBounce" for the view, they fall off that view.
Pro tip: sort your view alphabetically while you're doing this: Hubspot presents them in no particular order that I can see on the "3 of 50 can't be enrolled" screen. So if have it sorted alphabetically, then it's easier to find John Jones, Alex Smith, and Mary Johnson.. otherwise, you have to rely on CTL-F or incredible patience.
And in case you're curious... it's a PITB. Such a cumbersome process. But otherwise, that view just gets more and more cluttered with bounces, everyone gets frustrated. So.. stupid, annoying workaround, but maybe slightly better than having everyone try to figure out the right place to start for not having entire pages with nobody able to be enrolled.
Ran into this limitation today, which chewed up time with a support rep. She gave me a better workaround than that already referenced earlier in this thread:
"Another workaround aside from what we discussed during our call (I believe this one is better) in order to add Global Bounces to a list (Global Bounces will always be automatically dropped - but if you would like to show them in a list):
1.) Navigate to Marketing Emails
2.) Email Tools > Create a List of Hard bounced Contacts
3.) Include global bounces (checkbox)
4.) This will then generate a list including hard bounces - in which you can then use as a filter in your current list."
Please HubSpot make this a thing. How can we start emailing with clean lists without being able to filter global bounces? Many of us are moving from another marketing platform that gave false positives. Our previous service has many people as emailable when they are blocked within HubSpot. I can see people Im testing for an automated journey and I have global bounces with no way to segment them out.
"Another workaround aside from what we discussed during our call (I believe this one is better) in order to add Global Bounces to a list (Global Bounces will always be automatically dropped - but if you would like to show them in a list):
1.) Navigate to Marketing Emails
2.) Email Tools > Create a List of Hard bounced Contacts
3.) Include global bounces (checkbox)
4.) This will then generate a list including hard bounces - in which you can then use as a filter in your current list."
The above doesn't actually work. If you create one list with the "Include global bounces" checkbox enabled and another without, you won't get any differences, because the resulting filters on the lists are identical and don't include any filters for Globally bounced Contacts.
Hello, Someone from the Hubspot support team gave me a tip : you can make a liste with this critéria : reason for automated quarantine of e-mail address is known. It does not isolate all the global bounces but some of them. I hope it helps a bit. Bye bye
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