Currently, if we want to run a List around our customers who expire at some point in the future, we have to go in and change the "after date" fitler each time to update the current date. (The rolling dates filter doesn't work in this case, because the dates we're looking for are in the future and not the past.)
We know date filters can be a pain point for many of our users. We are currently reworking some of the "wiring" on our filters system which will set us up to be able to add consistency to our filters. Part of that will be introducing relative date filters where they are not currently available.
We know date filters can be a pain point for many of our users. We are currently reworking some of the "wiring" on our filters system which will set us up to be able to add consistency to our filters. Part of that will be introducing relative date filters where they are not currently available.
I need this relative date feature as well. I'm working on creating a report of tickets opened today for a particular client, and have it scheduled to run daily. Having to go in and change the date manually each day negates the ability to schedule a report to run on its own!!
Yes, please add this. I'd like to use something like show me deals that haven't had sales activity for more than 90 days. I can currently do this withIN the 90 days using the Activity Date IS "Last 90 days" options, but I can't do it to show what's NOT in those 90 days for example. I could perhaps create a list using that as an exclusionary factor, but it's a pain.
This could also be helpful for companies like mine that have a non-calendar year fiscal year mismatch. On some reports, we have to edit them quarterly...
I could really use this for my lead scoring for page views and emails opened/clicked within a rolling date period.
I am able to create a rolling date for page views through a workflow, but if someone comes to the site continuously, they never drop out and keep accumulating.
I am utterly gobsmacked that this is not a feature. I thought I could create my own workaround--I was going to be smart and create workflows to just update a property to "TODAY" every day, so that the property "TODAY" would always be, well, today--but alas, it is not possible, as dates are all static. Unbelievable. Now we can't set up active lists based on dates, which means I have to go back to my CRM and create workflows there which will then push my customer to a hubspot list; instead of, you know the smart and more efficient way, which wouuld be to create filters in a list based on "TODAY" and "YESTERDAY" and "x DAYS AGO"..