Currently, if we want to run a List around our customers who expire at some point in the future, we have to go in and change the "after date" fitler each time to update the current date. (The rolling dates filter doesn't work in this case, because the dates we're looking for are in the future and not the past.)
Hopefully this is easy to do, thanks!
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
We know date filters can be a pain point for many of our users. We are currently reworking some of the "wiring" on our filters system which will set us up to be able to add consistency to our filters. Part of that will be introducing relative date filters where they are not currently available.
This would be extremely helpful. We have set up some reports to monitor the data (for example, to see the list of deals with a past close date). So our users can take certain actions on those deals. Currently whenever I want to get the latest data, I have to manually change the filter. I can't set up email to push out the reports to relevant users. This is really annoying.
Still can't believe this functionality does not exist. If I want to trigger someone who filled out a form yesterday to enroll in a workflow there is absolutely no way of doing it. This is amateur stuff, and does not stack-up to even your smallest competitors.
Is there a timeline for when this is going to be resolved?
There are 15+ ideas on the forum related to date-filters, each being relatively small and describing one or two issues. That makes this unlikely to be prioritized by Hubspot.
In an attempt to accelerate this, we've made a complete analysis of what's missing and what Hubspot needs to developed and created one holistic Master Idea aimed at describing the entire issue and collecting all Upvotes. Please vote this idea now:
This thread is now two years old. We desperately need to be able to filter and/or query on "Date is Greater Than XX Days/Weeks/Months". Can someone from HubSpot please comment? Is this on the roadmap?
Another solution is to allow calcuation fields. I could create a field labled "Account Updated Days" where the record value is "=[account_updated_date]-[today}". I could then create a report where "Accout Updated Days" is>60.
To all people interested in getting this fixed, please Upvote the Master Idea below.
There were 15+ ideas on the forum related to date-filters, each being relatively small and describing one or two issues. That made this unlikely to be prioritized by Hubspot. In an attempt to accelerate this, we've made a complete analysis of what's missing and what Hubspot needs to develop. We created one holistic Master Idea aimed at describing the entire issue and collecting all Upvotes. Please vote on this idea now:
Date-filters: Improve Options Across all of Hubspot [Master Idea]
Flabbergasted that this feature doesn't exist in HubSpot - this is incredibly limiting! We run weekly metrics out of our smartlists in Marketo, and I'm at a loss for a reasonable way to keep those going once we're fully switched over to the Marketing Hub. As it stands now, we'd have to go throw each list each week to update the "between" dates on our lists to view activity for last week - not to mention going through our comparative monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports. Who has time for that?
In addtion to YESTERDAY and TODAY, these are the options that Marketo offers (see below). We most frequently use "Last Week SS" (Sunday-Saturday).
Our clients need to be able to get an automated list of leads they have contacted in a given timeframe, without having to do it manually through filters.
This can be accomplished with using two date filters and a combination of days ago and days from now but it would actually be useful that you wont need to work this out and figure out the combination - would be nice if you could select date is yesterday
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