HubSpot Ideas


Filter using relative date values ("TODAY" etc.)

Hi there, we really need to run filters on dates using relative terms like "today", "yesterday" etc. -- Salesforce has this ability and it's extrememly useful:


Currently, if we want to run a List around our customers who expire at some point in the future, we have to go in and change the "after date" fitler each time to update the current date. (The rolling dates filter doesn't work in this case, because the dates we're looking for are in the future and not the past.)


Hopefully this is easy to do, thanks!

Atualizações da HubSpot
Status atualizado para: In Planning
April 16, 2020 04:31 AM

Hey HubSpot community - 

We know date filters can be a pain point for many of our users. We are currently reworking some of the "wiring" on our filters system which will set us up to be able to add consistency to our filters. Part of that will be introducing relative date filters where they are not currently available. 



179 Comentários




Have you tried using the "is more than # days from now" criteria option on your expiration date in the Lists tool? (please see screenshot)


It sounds like using "is more than 0 days from now" might get you what you're looking for.





I have a custom field called "event date" which indicates the date we are to deliver services for an event (we are an entertainment company and we send bands, DJs etc to private events)


I get much value out of being able to filter the hard coded Event Date custom field. Ex: I want to see all Events that are Closed Won but haven't yet occured, so I filter Closed Won, and then Event Date =After Today. 


HOWEVER, If I save that filter, the Event Date converts "Today" into today's actual date. So if I come back in 1 week and open the saved filter and run it, it will show me events after the date I created the filter, not after the date I am opening the filter. 


Is there a way to make it so that the filter is always "today" as in the actual day I am running it?


I'm surprised by the lack of this seemingly basic, fundamental feature. We could really use it to create filter views e.g. to see accounts that haven't been checked up on in more than 3 months.


Yes, please. I need this too. Both on contact and company property. 


This simple feature alone will get my sales operations to another level!


I completely agree this is a needed option. Especially when trying to aggregate the data into outside dashboards or vendors. Having to manually update the specific dates in cumbersome. 




I operate an event based business and often need this feature as well.


In addition to just "today", the option to choose the number of days like: close date is between "xx days from now" through "xx days from now", which always updates according to the day I run it, would be fantastic as well!


Thanks. I'm glad I'm not alone. If someone knows a workaround, please let me know. I didn't find one in the comments that I could tell.

Top colaborador(a)

"Last Contacted" is "Last 90 Days" is possible, but I need "Last Contacted" is NOT "Last 90 Days"...


I can't believe this doesn't exist! Needed desperately


Basic feature that HS needs to add


It has been requested for over a year. Your competition has this. This is a basic requirement of any system like this. A programmer should be able to implement in a few hours.  What's the deal?  I keep getting told to put a suggestion in when I ask how to do something that HubSpot can't do, but should do.


How about some feedback with an implementation date, instead of sending us off to write comments in a blackhole.


I'm truly surprised there aren't more upvotes and comments on this suggestion. 

SO much of the automation is dependent on being able to do rolling ranges as we're able to do in the Sales Contacts view - both per the example above:

  • "this / last  - week/month/quarter/year" etc.

But also - 

  • "is between"
  • and "is more than"
  • and "is less than"

...are critically needed, both in list building and in worflows!!


and to make it more confusing, there seem to be some properties where, at least for workflows, it DOES allow relative date date selection, yet other date properties that don't.


When trying to re-engage for a contact who's been inactive for a few months, or tons of other use cases that I won't dig in to here, having to manually re-set dates vs the ability to do a relative date is a major limitation to really utilizing the potential power of HubSpot. 


Same comment I made on another related post:


I'm truly surprised there aren't more upvotes and comments on this suggestion. 

SO much of the automation is dependent on being able to do rolling ranges as we're able to do in the Sales Contacts view - both per the example above:

  • "this / last  - week/month/quarter/year" etc.

But also - 

  • "is between"
  • and "is more than"
  • and "is less than"

...are critically needed, both in list building and in worflows!!

(to @gerard-_-pf, the option you reference above unfortunately isn't broadly available in all date-driven property filters)


and to make it more confusing, there seem to be some properties where, at least for workflows, it DOES allow relative date date selection, yet other date properties that don't.


When trying to re-engage for a contact who's been inactive for a few months, or tons of other use cases that I won't dig in to here, having to manually re-set dates vs the ability to do a relative date is a major limitation to really utilizing the potential power of HubSpot. 


I wonder - Does anyone know if this issue of not having relative dates applies to paid reports subscription as well? I was considering paying for that but if I still have the no relative dates issue, that would be a non starter for me.



We have the reporting add on.  Relative date filtering is on some properties, not all.  Haven't figured out yet what differentiates.  Frustrating. 

That said - reporting add on is significant added functionality, and still worth it. 


 I agree with both parites who already commented. These rolling dates are a must for all events and properties that have any kind of date refinement. 


Yes, we need this!

Surprised that there isn't a "IS NOT" "Last 7 days".


Another massive inconsistency issue with HubSpot. First, I discover that their multinational SEO tool is available on their COS and Landing Pages ... but not their blogs (if you need it on one, you'll need it on the other). Now the inconsistencies with rolling dates. Why not have the same functionality for all the different modules??? I can't set up follow-ups based off the day someone has an event... I can't send feedback follow-ups... I can't even send opp follow-ups. 


Really really big miss here and absolutely shocking that this doesn't have thousands of votes.


Hubspot is currently very inconsistent with the options for filtering properties by date range - whether in workflows, lists, dashboards, etc.


Many properties allow you to filter by a rolling date range - e.g. "more than 7 days" or "less than 1 day" from the current date.


However, many others only allow you to filter by specific dates - e.g. "after the 27th of October 2018".


For example - you can have a rolling range for "last contacted" for contacts, but not for "last contacted" for deals!


Similarly - no rolling date ranges for "activity date".


This drastically reduces the power of hubspot automations - at least two attempts to set up automations for our company in the last week have come to nothing because a given property cannot work with a rolling date range.


(We wanted a smart list of all the contacts who have been called in the last 24 hours - not possible; we also wanted a workflow that set reminders to contact deals that have not been contacted in the last week.)



Deals - no rolling date rangesDeals - no rolling date rangesContacts - rolling date rangesContacts - rolling date ranges



Agreed, please add rolling date ranges for all date filters - contacts, companies, deals, engagements, etc.


Yesterday, Today and rolling dates should be available filters everywhere where dates are involved.


Is there a specific reason why these are not available in some places and tehy are in others?


As an example, it would be very useful for us to be able to filter if somebody has more than one deal in the same day (or a rolling time).

