Currently, if we want to run a List around our customers who expire at some point in the future, we have to go in and change the "after date" fitler each time to update the current date. (The rolling dates filter doesn't work in this case, because the dates we're looking for are in the future and not the past.)
use rolling dates for the Last Contacted date on the CRM/Sales side. This would allow me to contact a customer that I have not had contact with in the last 90 days.
Similarly, it would be hugely useful to use relative dates ("today", etc) to enroll contacts and companies in lists, workflows, etc. We are using Hubspot to facilitate our Product Qualified Lead (PQL) process, so this functionality will make everything much simpler.
I’d like Smart Lists to contain folks with “Create Date” of, day, “Last Week” I don’t have to keep manually changing the hard coded dates every week.
(and no, rolling week, “Last Seven Days” does not help me here. I want “Last week” like Filters give, please)
When adding 'rolling date' as an option, please include 'more than/less than' at the same time - and make them work together! Like Jean is saying; the function is already part of Marketing, please add it to CRM/Sales as well.
Query: List deals where 'Last Activity Date' ismore than30 days ago.
Sales man: Thank you, HubSpot! I'll get right to it!
Was surpried is was not there since it is one of the most common types reporting you want to do, set it up once with a relative date and then use the report as is hundreds/thousands of time without making somone change the date every time you want to use it.
Specifically - I've been trying to build ways for our sales guys to filter their contacts based on date last contacted (I can sort based on that - but with 300+ assigned leads, being able to filter would be more useful). I've managed a rather painful work around - which is to build the list on the marketing side - and then make the filter on the sales side based on whether they are on the list. But it would be so much easier to have it on the sales side.
I want to create a list that uses a date field. I want to specify "this week" so it's a rolling date, similar to what we can do with contact filters. This isn't possible; rolling date filters are only possible on lists with the page views property. This seems inconsistent to me, and also prevents the creation of lists that are based on rolling dates. In this case, I want to create a list of users who registered for our app in the current week, which I can then use for various activities, including an external data pull for reporting purposes.
Yes, it is very frustrating and limiting the usefulness of the CRM Platform, especially when you combine this with the inability to set deal properties via workflows (other than a very select few, it seems). If I have a custom deal property (for example "follow-up reminder date"), and I want the workflow to set that property to (for example) 10 days before an existing date property (for example "close date") I cannot do this easily. You can imagine all sorts of powerful sales workflows that could be built if this functionality was available (send an internal email notification to Hubspot owner and assign a follow-up task 10 days before deal "Close Date", for example). I could do this easily in Zoho CRM.
What the heck? Why is this not an option? I need to be able to automate a reminder that lets me know when a close date is drawing near. This is stupid simple... not sure why it's not a thing yet.