Currently, if we want to run a List around our customers who expire at some point in the future, we have to go in and change the "after date" fitler each time to update the current date. (The rolling dates filter doesn't work in this case, because the dates we're looking for are in the future and not the past.)
Very odd that you cannot create a rolling forecast. I had an exchange with support and they don't quite understand that sales forecasts happen in the future. They keep explaining that I should look at the Past 90 days for a sales forecast. That just doesn't make any sense at all. Is anyone looking at a forecast based on Deal close dates in the past?
This would be REALLY helpful. Google, Bing, Facebook, LinkedIN, and more offer this feature. It would be helpful for HubSpot workflows to be able to do so. Example: I have a field called Demo Date. I need to know if it is scheduled (meaning the date is in the past) or it has been completed (meaning the date is today or later).
189 upvotes on this one over 3 years - when is this going to happen HubSpot?
You can't call yourself a CRM and not have basic reporting functions that are applicable *accross the board* on all your objects. It's crazy that for some objects you can filter by rolling dates and others you cannot.
It's stuff like this that makes hubspot a MAP trying to be a CRM as well. Reporting functionality is heavily lacking; rolling dates is a pivotal field for both automation and reporting.
Yes please! We have plenty of use-cases that require relative date filtering. A simple example would be that we need monthly birthday lists in order to throw some nice words to our contacts...
If we could have rolling date for our filter, our weekly sales meeting will be reported directly in our pipelines in Hubspot, instead of duplicating data in XLSX or DOCX.
That willl encourage sales people involved in cleaning and have their deals up to date.
I can't believe this hasn't been made a serious priority. Not only is there no inbuilt relative date functionality, the operators are limited in so much as in Lists, it only allows ">" than and not ">=". And I don't even think the available operators are consistent across Lists, Workflows etc
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