HubSpot Ideas


Filter for last sales email send date

Hi team,

We have a number of ways for tracking dates of activities, however, these are grouped together in ways that make singular reporting of an activity type quite difficult, especially for customers without access to reports or only able to use the filter and list tools as this data can be wiped over by another activity. For example we track on the contact end recent sales email open/click/replied dates, but nothing for when the users that send the email. Making tracking if a contact has been followed up after sending an email to us difficult to report on in lists. 

This could be resolved with a property that tracks what time and date the most recent sales email was sent from a contact record by a user in he same way that we have recent sales email replied/open date.

We would be interested to see have other users experienced this pain point? Specifically for those with no access to report or workflows, as these cannot be used to create a "workaround."

7 Kommentare

there must be a way to see who has not replied to last sales email (not marketing) this seems such a basic requirement of sales/marketing, not a professional level feature, simply who hasn't replied ?? and therefore needs a follow up. 


We were struggling with this. Knowing an email was sent to new contacts, was more important than the Opens (junk) and others. But "now in sequence" as a column header probably solves the issue for us.


This would be very useful.

I did contact Hubspot support on this and as a workaround they suggested the Last contacted property:

Last contacted: the last date and time a chat conversation, call, sales email, meeting, or message was logged for the contact. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on the latest date of the activities in the record. For example, the Last contacted property in the record will show yesterday's date when a user logs a call that occurred the day before.

Thank you @ihojl at Hubspot support for this.


knowing when the last email was sent (individual or marketing) is very important so that we are not guessing when we built follow up lists and tasks

Another request for the filter "Date of last email sent" has my vote as an important one


Knowing a bulk "last activity date" is not as helpful as being able to filter on specific types of activities taken.


Add me to the list of "Date last email sent" - especially for marketing emails so we don't send too many when audience types overlap for example.


Hi everyone, 

I will find this feature very helfulp, and needed. I don't think they implemented it yet? 




I am still looking for this functionality. It would be helpful to be able to run a report for last phone call and last 1:1 email sent.