HubSpot Ideas


Filter Deals by associated Products

Our Sales team would like to be able to filter Deals by Products related to the Deal.


Today we use (probably too many) Deal Stages/Pipelines to distinguish which product someone is interested in purchasing. This way of tracking products seems duplicative now that HubSpot has the Product object on Deals.


Ideally, Marketing would also love to be able to trigger workflows, build smart lists based on Products. (For example, if a contact is associated to a Deal with Product X, and the Deal Stage is "Closed Won", trigger an onboarding nurture series relevant to Product X.)

HubSpot Updates
Being Reviewed
April 16, 2020 04:38 AM

72 Replies

Hello @hubspot @bkeller 

this idea is 3.5 years old. A CRM with a product report doesn't sounds too surrealist. Any time frame? Or do you plan this feature for Entreprise plan only?


It will be great to see this feature developed and available in hubspot (for all subscriptions types!😏). It is a most basic functionality in many other CRM systems (eg MS Dynamics etc).... I took it as a given Hubspot would be able to filter results on product name and SKU and didnt think it would be an overlooked feature.

Contributor | Diamond Partner

This is such a basic need! any updates on this @bkeller ?

Recognized Expert | Diamond Partner

This should be quite easy to achieve now that we have GraphQL

HubSpot Employee

This woud be an awesome feature. Also, as the quotes and payments tools are maturing, filtering/reporting by product is going to be more and more important--and naming conventions/customer properties is not the best solution.

Contributor | Platinum Partner

How is this not available yet?

Both line items and products needs to be filtered by. 


This feature would be very useful for customers!!

Contributor | Platinum Partner

"Being reviewd since 2020" Hubspot product team, please I beg you, what is going on here? Its crazy that you cant filter your deals on the products that they are related to. Or create workflows based on the products delivered to associated companies etc. We are loosing a lot of customer because of this lack of functionality. 😥

Member | Platinum Partner

Any news? Our CRM customers really need this functionality and potential customers too. Thank you!


The UI and data structure should be able to provide a filter by product information for deals.
It could fit in with existing usage and take advantage of existing Product fields.


A similar filter could be added to the reporting module for analysing sales by product..


Hello, it would be nice if Hubspot users can Filter Deals with "Line Item". It would be very necessary.


This would be a huge win for our company -- we have had to do so many workarounds with workflows and copying data back and forth to make this semi-functional within HubSpot today but it is definitely not the greatest. We would absolutely love it if this would be updated.