HubSpot Ideas


Filter/Customize Data Displayed in Deal Timeline (e.g. emails to associated contacts)

I don't know if anyone else finds this but I have a real issue with the deals pulling in info from other deals and contracts that are not related to the deal but are related to company that the deal is associated to.


For example, I have a parent account ( my customer that pays me) that they have multiple contracts which are different companies around the country, that are their clients. We have to provide services to these companies (child accounts) on behalf of our client (the parent account)

When a new deal is created for a new site there are different contacts that we deal with for different areas of the UK. What I am finding is, in deals we am getting info, emails, notes, calls etc from every other deal that we are working on under our client (parent account) this is very confusing. A deal for a new child account has the time line chock full of info from other deals and contact correspondence which is irrelevant to the new deal, albeit from the associate parent company.  


Either I am using it wrong or it is how it is designed to be. To me, when Hubspot is so focused on making the user experience so clean and decluttered it is crazy that the deals should show so much irrelevant info. I am hoping that it is user error (me) and not a design issue.


I trust the above is clear and would like to know what could be done about this. 


Hi, I'm dealing with 1 contact (distributor) for 5 different deals, yet the emails are getting logged in Hubspot under all her deals. Then, I have to go in to the deal and manually delete the irrelevant emails. 


I would like to suggest that we can in future assign an email from a contact to a partifular deal.


Absolutely crazy non-function. At least filtering out non-deal accociated contacts should be possible asap.


Imagine several (>5) contacts at a company and all conversations logging in deals with non-deal relevant info = Bad

Having 1 contact not associated is bad enough. I do not want ANY NON-relevant info in a Deal. Makes no sense having Deals and timelines if this isn´t fixed.


 I'm alse very sad this is functionality works this way. For some companies I have 6 or 7 deals. In this way HubSpot CRM is NOT working for me. In my opinion it should be (and in multiple different other CRM's it is..) like:

- Company timeline: all company related communication.

- Contact Timeline: only the contact related communication. 

- Deal Timeline: only the e-mails sent from current deal view.


I agree. This is frustrating what they need is to add a drop-down field on the email before it is sent so that you can select which deal it would be associated with. 


Second option is automisation:

- E-mail sent from a deal: only registered under the selected deal.

- E-mail sent from company: registered under the contact and company

- E-mail sent from company: registered under the company


Company view: all client conversation. Contact view: all conversations with this contact. Deal view: just the conversations about this deal.


Cirrus Insight does this well for Need the same thing for HubSpot.




Wow, I'm surprised that more people don't request this. I have a very similar issue. We do a number of deals with a very small number of clients. Each deal is, however, a separate opportunity, unrelated to the others.


Given this, if I associated a deal with a company or a contact, the log part of the deal screen is virtually unusable - it contains mainly info unrelated to the current deal. Perhaps some people need this but, for me, the only way to make that screen usable is for me to remove the contact and company from the deal which, obviously, hurts in other ways.


It would, therefore, be great to have a button on the log part of the deal screen that allows us to either "show all" or "show just activities related to this deal".


It seems that when I have a big "company" with many deals and different contacts, that ALL tasks, activity, notes entered into ANY deal or contact for that Company, flows through to ALL deals for that company. So what that means is a Deal shows activity and correspondence not associated with that deal.  It clutters up the deal with too much in the timeline.


Please create a way that the timeline only reflects things which have been allocated to that DEAL or Contact associated with that deal.




This is an issue for me too, and I only have +- 10 deals in the system. I can see that it will get completely out of hand soon.


So, please make the timeline on a deals page filterable to only show items related to that specific deal!


I second A2Ben's comments completely - this would make the timeline usable on the deals screen. In its current format, it just causes confusion. A filter for "only related to this deal" on the timeline would be perfect.


I have been asking hubspot for a year to have a setting that allows you to select where the activity data for a deal timeline is pulled from A) associated company B) associated contacts.


I too have multiple deals with big companies and have to remove the associated company from the deal in order to have a timeline that isn't completely cluttered by other activities from anyone at my company emailing anyone at the associated company. 



How have you been communicating with them? I'd like to get in touch with them directly to chat about this.


I second this request! We work with some clients where multiple people within the company have requests and we go through the sales process with them.


What happens on my end is when we create another deal we get emails from another person there... Who isn't present on the new deal.


Hey there, I have just been communicating with Hubspot via the "help" icon at bottom right of Hubspot screen.


HubSpot Employee

This idea is In Planning with our product team.  The best thread to follow this on is as this thread is duplicate. I would recommend adding a kudos to that post and following along there! Cheers!


Will do, thanks!


We are using Hubspot to keep track of multiple deals per customer. When we go to view a deal all of the activity related to that customer shows up in the activity timeline. We want to only see the notes/calls that are specifically related to that deal. Otherwise, we have to swim through tons of unrelated notes to get up to speed.


I would think the easiest way to implement this would be adding an option under "filter timeline" in deals to restrict to notes/activity for this deal alone.


Agreed. This is a huge frustration for us. 5 sales reps working one company and 12 deals at that company. Activity view on each deal is unusable!


This is also a major problem for us.  We have 3 deals at one company and 3 different people manage/run the deals.  Seeing all the feed information from the other deals has made hubspot virtually unusable for this customer.  I send updates to hubspot, but have given up using it to manage my deal for this customer because I can't see just the stuff related to my deal.  In addition, how on earth, will new salespeople be able to understand the deal history for this customer?  Let's say someone join our company a year from now and wants to see deal information and history.  It will be impossible for them to have any idea of the history of that specific deal. 


Other softare, such as salesforce manages this issue by assigning a unique id to the deal that is linked, but independent of the company.  It also uses smart logic to assign activites to deals automatically.  When it get's confused, such as when a person at the client company spans multiple deals, there is a summary screen of all activity that you can simply go in and assign the activity to a deal. 


As it is, hubspot seems to be good for deals with small companies, but is missing key features like this to be enterprise ready.


This is critically important to any sales team who is working with divisions within large companies or working with agency partners who are doing business development/co-marketing and you have two agency account execs who now appear across multiple deals even though they have distinct ownership of only some of the deals.