I'd love this functionality on the deal level. The use case we have in mind is around deal source. Ideally, I would like to do two different fields for primary and secondary source. The primary source would be sometihing like partner, marketing, sales, etc. and the secondary would be a drill down based on the answer to the primary source. Ex. Primary source is partner, secondary source would be a list of partners to select from. This will greatly improve our ability to do direct revenue attribution.
Honestly, this is something that prevents people from using HubSpot as a CRM tool and choose platforms like Salesforce. This should be done and quickly.
Agreed, we desperately need this functionality to support the ability to timestamp as a lead prgresses through each stge of our deal pipeline. Currently, when the sales team create a new deal, they are being presented with a long list of date fields for every deal stage meaning the room for error is high if they choose the wrong one. If this list of date fields could be filtered to only show the relevant one according to the deal stage that has been selected, it would be a HUGE improvement.
Totally agree with @Prakhar, our use case is very similar to one of theirs.
On our contact records we have implemented a deletion request field for the sales team to select if the contact needs to be removed from our CRM. They also need to complete a 'deletion reason' so we understand why it's being removed.
To ensure that this second 'deletion reason' field is completed we'd like it to be conditional on the population of the first field - and required before the record can be saved. So if the deletion request field is set to 'yes', the record can only be saved if they have populated the 'deletion reason' field.
This functionality would greatly increase the consistency of data input for our team.
Not sure if it falls directly in line with this idea, but I'd like to be able to require that certain teams complete required fields when adding contacts that may not apply to all of my teams adding contacts. For example, when sales is adding contacts to a deal, we need to have the billing and shipping addresses completed. However, if my technical support team is adding a support contact, those fields don't need to be required as those contacts would not be creating orders or associated with deals.
This functionality would also be helpful in the ticketing side of things. For instance, having different resolution options based on the category of ticket.
@jeffvincent - Are there fundamental issues and/or architecture limitations creating this funtionallity? Backlogging this for 5 years concerns me that there are other factors besides "time".
Yes please. We NEED this - like yesterday. When on-boarding new users, this comes up ALL THE TIME and it's difficult to explain why the CRM doesn't readily support this - especially to Executive leaders.
To be clear, this is needed for properties at large; not just on the Contact object. Deals, Tickets, Companies, and even Custom Objects needthis functionality.
This would be great! I'm able to do this in forms, but it would be great to have the same option for records. In forms, I have a field called "Company Country" and if they fill out "Australia", then another field comes up with a dropdown of all the Australian states that they can select from. Love that capability.
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