HubSpot Ideas


Extend options for hubspot user session timeout length

Currently HubSpot limits user session timeout length to a max of 1 day.


  • As a user: I may take a single day off or find myself not utilizing the HubSpot interface for a day, resulting in the requirement to login again.
  • As an admin: I am not in HubSpot every day, but I might be in it 2-3 times a week, each of them requiring me to log in again.
  • As an SSO/SCIM admin: I am annoyed that HubSpot's limited options block me from properly managing security in a way that best suits my organization.

Earlier this year HubSpot did not provide control over this and sessions were indefinite. Now it seems the pendulum has swung to anothe extreme. (e.g. it is difficult to imagine anyone wanting 15 minute session inactivity timeouts)


Please give admins the ability to set a more reasonable session timeout length!

27 Replies

Request for Extended HubSpot User Session Timeout Options

Hi [Name],

I appreciate your feedback on HubSpot's current user session timeout limitations. I completely understand the inconvenience caused by the 1-day maximum timeout.

As a user, admin, and SSO/SCIM admin, your insights highlight the need for a more flexible approach to session management. I've forwarded your suggestion to our development team, emphasizing the importance of giving admins the ability to set a more reasonable session timeout length.

We're committed to providing a better user experience, and your input is invaluable in shaping HubSpot's features. I'll keep you posted on any updates regarding this enhancement.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Best regards,

Michael Jordy


I too have this issue, I login every time I'm physically at work using SSO and can continue to use this session at home. If I work at home on friday and monday, this session timeout would cause me to be logged out on saturday if I don't open HubSpot that day. 


Please add an option for 5 days/7 days to resolve this issue.


It's incredibly annoying having to log back in after 24 hours of inactivity. Please allow admins the option to increase this to 7 days for their organisation.


Agree to this. It creates frustration within the organzation and is a barrier for use.


My company has this issue too, Hubspot please revert to the standard 30 days required by SOC2 and ISO27001.

Daily logouts are bad for security:

  • They encourage repeated password entry sometimes in non-secure environments.
  • They encoruage the use of easier to type and more memorable password

24 hour login token expiry is an outdated practice, bad for security, and bad for UX.


24 hours is crazy.  It discourages users from using the program.  If security is an issue how come I never get signed out of the mobile app?   This needs to be corrected.  Superadmin should have choice up re sign in times. 


Logging in a few times a day is tedious and many emails don't get tracked in the rush of the moment. 
We would like to have the login be active for a week. Each Monday we can log in again. 




Please add the option for a 1 week timeout. The 1 day maximum timeout just creates a miserable user experience.


I've run this by Dharmesh and he agress this is your top priority. Thanks.


I see you getting complaints about this from a great many users – here and elsewhere ... As a developer, I know that the proposed adjustment is EXTREMELY simple to implement and – if shifting to 30 days – is in line with SOC2 and ISO27001 requirements (per the comment above) ... So what exactly is taking you so long to act on this?


I have to log in several times a day on HubSpot. It's annoying


This is extremely annoying. It must be fixed.


Upvoting this request. My sales team is really annoyed and complaining to me about getting logged out all the time. This should be a configurable setting at the account level.


... it's easier to stay logged into my bank and investment accounts than it is into HubSpot.


I fully agree with this. It's particularly annoying with the HubSpot Outlook plugin. I have to tell my users to ensure that they ensure that the plugin is logged in to their account so that we don't miss having communications with customers logged in their HubSpot record. I'm getting pushback from my users on this and it's hindering adoption.


Please let me control the token expiration.


Is there already any progress on this topic? When will this be changed?

Enough is said about it and good arguments were made why users need this to change, so please act on it.
Thanks !


They've made it possible to extend the session to 3 days, however I myself would like it to be extended to 7 days.


Oh nice! 3 days is better than 1 but should be more, 5 or 7 days maybe.


How can I extend it to 3 days? 

It looks like it expires after a day..


Settings > Security > Settings & Activity > Session Timeout > 3d

