This is needed back in 2018. Thisn't a hard todo item. Along with it, they need to beable to shorten the tracking links without having to purchase a 3rd party tool like Again, come on HubSpotters, this is elementary practice and procedure.
Really need this also! every other CRM platform ive used in the past has had this feature in some sorts. its an incredibly important one for marketing partnerships and any company that sells or buys email sponsorship, eshots or whatever you want to call them.
the more comments we get on this thread the higher up the chain hopefully hubspot will take notice. PLEASE COMMENT if you read this thread. thanks.
If your email has been created using a custom coded template or using a template from a theme, your developer will be your best resource to retrieve the code used to built out the email.
Many competitor platforms offer this as an easy OOB solution. Hubspot needs to catch up here and provide an easy way to export HTML for thirdparty deployment.
Bonjour, Je me permets de vous écrire également car cette fonctionnalité est à ce jour plus qu'indispensable afin de simplifier l'export d'un emailing pour des tiers. Il est dommage qu'elle ne soit pas présente dans la solution et aurait le mérite d'exister.
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