HubSpot Ideas


Export form submissions filtered by date

Hi. I would like to have the ability to export submissions to one/multiple forms filtered by a date range. Currently, the system only allows form submissions for all time, but it would be nice to export submissions for a specific date range.


Thank you. 

HubSpot Updates
Being Reviewed
May 23, 2024 02:43 AM

45 Replies

I agree. We use Hubspot forms to collect donations, so our donation form has thousands of submission that take quite a while to export. We would love to be able to export a specified date range.


 +1 to export by filtered date range 


HubSpot's current recommendation is to just export all time and sort the data by date to filter out what you need in Excel. If you're doing this on a monthly basis, you don't want to run that exercise every time.


I would love to have the option to export form submissions (multiple even) and view by date. Currently you can see by the last conversion/form submission, but I'm interested to know about everyone who has filled in a form, not related to other forms the same contact has filled in. 


In addition, it would be valuable to have a holistic approach and get an overview by month that can be exported, or to run a list based on form submissions/dates and then export and view a report to see submissions over a course of time. 


I completely agree with Edatny. I am surprised to see that Hotspot does not record the submission date of the forms. Even small market players offer it (eg Plezi). This is really a priority for me because to date I am unable to say how much I generate MQL month by month. So for the moment I keep all form submission notifications and I do my dashboards manually. thanks Hubspot!


Agreed. It would also be extremely helpful to export the Submission Date. It currently shows on the view, but not on the Export.

HubSpot Employee

I also agree. Since we are already capturing the date of the form submission, it would be extremely helpful to include this timestamp in the contacts' property history - that information could then be used for lists, reports, and more relevant exports. It would also be helpful to be able to filter by that submission date from within the form submissions page. 


The time stamp is just one of many issues. You shouldn't calculate data by the number of form submissions, but rather unique submissions that Hubspot does not offer. One of my contacts submitted a form 10 times. To get meaningful conversion rates, you only use UNIQUE submissions. To combat that, I created a list to get the unique submissions for the forms chosen, but now it doesn't allow for a date range! It should be easy to see how many unique submissions I got on my form(s) for last month, but in Hubspot it is very difficult. And adding a date range for when the person became a contact based on form submission like they suggest is also not at all the point. The point is to see how many people new or not submitted these forms for a certain date range. Almost every other marketing platform offers this as well as landing page builders like Unbounce and Lead Pages.


Exporting all form submissions for a specific date range is possible. Go to forms, select a date range and then Hubspot will apply that date range for all of the forms listed. Then go in individually and export.


Val2018, that doesn't work for me. Even if I narrow the date range, it still exports all submissions for all time.


Interesting, I just did that this morning and it worked and that's how I was told to do it. I would call in and tell them that there is a glitch.


Actually, you're right. It shows you the number of submissions for that date range, but exports the entire list. Unbelievable. 


I'm glad I'm not the only one who's having trouble! I hope this will make Hubspot's product manager react because this issue of submission date has been raised since 2017 and still nothing. So before redesigning the contact card, there may be other functional priorities. I do not understand why this is not done, because in the follow-up activity of a contact, we already see that the contact submitted the form X on such date. So the information is necessarily stored somewhere but is not exploitable.


We do our customer satisfaction surveys on HubSpot and we are unable to sort these submissions by date.

There is a misleading filter that appears to let you sort by the date of the submission but it does not actually work that way and you still see submissions for all time.


We want to be able to see how our customer satisfaction is changing over time and the only way to do this at present is export all data to excel then delete what we don't need and sort from there. A messy process for a feature that is already seemingly there in HubSpot but not correctly integrated.


To all people interested in getting this fixed, please Upvote the Master Idea below.
There were 15+ ideas on the forum related to date-filters, each being relatively small and describing one or two issues. That made this unlikely to be prioritized by Hubspot. In an attempt to accelerate this, we've made a complete analysis of what's missing and what Hubspot needs to develop. We created one holistic Master Idea aimed at describing the entire issue and collecting all Upvotes. Please vote on this idea now:
Date-filters: Improve Options Across all of Hubspot [Master Idea]
To all people interested in getting this fixed, please Upvote the Master Idea below.
There were 15+ ideas on the forum related to date-filters, each being relatively small and describing one or two issues. That made this unlikely to be prioritized by Hubspot. In an attempt to accelerate this, we've made a complete analysis of what's missing and what Hubspot needs to develop. We created one holistic Master Idea aimed at describing the entire issue and collecting all Upvotes. Please vote on this idea now:
Date-filters: Improve Options Across all of Hubspot [Master Idea]

Yes. This is challenging for YoY review. 

Contributor | Platinum Partner

Hi. I would like to have the ability to export submissions to one/multiple forms filtered by a date range. Currently, the system only allows form submissions for all time, but it would be nice to export submissions for a specific date range.


I have to manually check leads every month, and the lack of date export function is super frustrating. Thought it would be a standard feature?

Member | Diamond Partner

100% agree - you can filter by the date - export by the date is a much needed feature.  VERY frustrating with a client needing daily exports on a form that is generating hundreds of submissions a day.   Yes, we can manually sort and filter an excel sheet - but of course, that's more time to do something that should be standard?


I also have the case that I don't want to export all forms but only those I have selected, but all forms are always exported here as well.