Export a single property's sub-values (e.g. dropdowns, checkboxes)
We've conducted an internal review of properties and one of the needs was to see the values in dropdowns/checkboxes, and the only way was to manually copy out the values. Would be useful to be able to export them instead.
Also do you need an idea category of "properties"? I can't find the best category for this idea.
@jeszhang and I were looking into this roadblock. As a workaround, we can add the property to a form as a form field. In the form field editor, we can then display all property values. Finally, we can copy and paste these values into an excel sheet or similar.
Upvoted, agreed. It would be great to have a button to export options as a csv. There's already options to paste in your own, and load from other properties. So this is the missing link!
Agreed on this! If we could see properties sub-options and the number of values each has when exporting "all properties" it gives us as users better insights to this and a holistic view of our data
We need to update the values of a property that consists of 2098 options. If I paste the list of updated values it recognizes 2098 of them as already existing so I will have to clear every duplicate/already existing value in order to make it work.
If I just could export the values then I could filter the list of duplicates and only paste the new values.
This is especially helpful for property audits with Salesforce. Please make this happen, HubSpot. A past team has several properties with over 100 values and being able to export them would be a huge time saver.
Please make the happen! Such a simple feature I think. I have a list to import into hubspot and I need to make sure the values in a column match the values in the specific property, but it has over 50 options and it's way too manual.
Hi all, I saw this thread working on a similar problem. The solution was to make a new field (for multiple checkboxes) and import values from my original text field. Key is to use the export feature to manage data in excel externally, then reimport. Here are the basic steps:
Export the data you want to change with the original (text) field, you will use this to create the list options. Best to create a hubspot list first and export from there with only the columns you want
Open the exported spreadsheet In excel or another spreadsheet editor,. Create a list of unique values from the original field with an advanced filter or other technique (google it if you need to)
Create a new field with dropdown or checkboxes in HubSpot, copy this unique values list from excel into the new field options
Create a list in hubspot with your companies or contacts, an ID column (company domain name or contact name), old file, new (blank) field
Export list to excel
In excel, copy the old field values to the new field
Save the file and import back into hubspot. Clean up errrors as you go, the error checking functionality of HubSpot is awesome! You have to manipulate and re-save the spredhseet you are updating from. I had to delete the ID field that appeared. Add values to existing companies, only overwrite the new field JIC.
This takes a bit to learn, but it is very powerful. Thanks hubspot!