Export a single property's sub-values (e.g. dropdowns, checkboxes)
We've conducted an internal review of properties and one of the needs was to see the values in dropdowns/checkboxes, and the only way was to manually copy out the values. Would be useful to be able to export them instead.
Also do you need an idea category of "properties"? I can't find the best category for this idea.
Bumping this one as we seem to need to review the industry property every other month with clients and it gets very tedious manually exporting the current values.
There's a bit of an odd solution to this issue using our app MigrateMyCRM, for those who are interested...
This feature - to be able to export values in a picklist - exists within our mapping feature, which you can use without needing to run a migration. Simply connect to HubSpot as your source, and select Excel or CSV as your target. Then, just continue through the steps until you land on the Mapping screen.
From here, find the object you're looking for (Companies, Contacts, etc.), find your field, then click the Control/CTRL key, and you'll notice that the picklist fields become underlined. One of the icons next to the field name will also switch to a CSV icon. Click on the icon while the field is underlined, and it will download a file with all of your picklist options for that field.
@noahmckeon thanks for the tip - i've tried it though, but no CSV download option available for my industry field. Maybe it's because I am on a free version? 🙃
@CCeustermans Nope, it works on the free version, too! Want to send me your migration ID? I can grab it and send it over to you (and I'll record a Loom too, if that's helpful!)
Is this what you're looking for? I managed to download all the properties. It's ALL properties, not just Contact or one's you select, but then you can at least filter them in Excel to get what you want fairly quickly. I found it quite helpful to be able to see everything avaiable.https://knowledge.hubspot.com/properties/organize-and-export-properties#export-all-properties
@KMace3 You can export the dropdown options for free using MigrateMyCRM (without performing a migration). Register for an account at migratemycrm.syncmatters.com, then connect HubSpot as your source system and 'CSV' as your target:
Then, click on 'Next: Select objects' under Customize Your Migration:
Next, select the object(s) where the needed dropdown fields are and click Next again. This will take you to the mapping.
Lastly, find the field you're looking for, then click and hold the Command key to show the CSV icon next to the needed field. Click the CSV icon to download a field of the picklist values for that field.
See the Industry field before holding the Command key, then after holding the Command key:
See the Industry field before holding the Command keyAnd after holding the Command key
This worked! To your point I'd like to export the options for an individual property in a better format because now I have to clean up the file, but this does get me what I need.
You can export all of your properties from the Properties table in Settings and you'll get a spreadsheet that will leave you with a column that will pack all of the dropdown (etc) values into one cell. It will look something like this:
Paste into the top of a column and drag it all the way down. After this, I will typically create ANOTHER blank column, copy the formula row with cleaned values that I just created and then paste "values" into the new blank column. Now you can remove your "formula" column and the original ugly values text column and just have one left with your cleaned up values.
*Note you have to paste "Values," otherwise, you will just copy the forumla again and when you remove the original ugly values text column, it will "break" your formula and you won't have any values.
It would be grrrrreeeeat if HubSpot allowed us to format the exports ahead of time, or just made the default export a little more wieldy, but until this, this has saved me HOURS of copying and pasting.
(Shout out to the kind person on Reddit who helped me with this Excel formula, because I am no pro.)