It would be great to export the data that you see in the history tab of the workflows, including dates of contact enrollment, meets the goal, finishes the workflow, who has errors, etc.
I agree. Those of us with complex nurture series workflows need the same level of data and list building as is available in sequences. Particularly for automating when someone is unenrolled because they no longer meet the enrollment criteria.
Yes this needs to happen asap - with workflows with millions of contacts going through them, I need the exact list of people that error to correct. Going 1 by 1 through millions of contacts is not realistic.
Absolutely! A simple export option would really help. Also, to check the workflow Errors, I have to keep pushing the Load More button into a neverending list, without knowing the total number of people there, which should be super easy to fix, just add a total there, as we have in the Contacts section.
I agree. Hoping HubSpot would release this at the soonest. It's difficult to monitor and track the status of contacts in a workflow if you're unable to export the data into an excel sheet or file.
Aqui na minha empresa acontece bastante de eu excluir etapas ou usuários, então os fluxos que atribuem para aquela etapa ou usuário ficam quebrados e eu só vou saber do erro quando dá algum problema com o cliente... Seria muito bom termos uma tela que mostrasse eses erros...
This would be such a helpful feature. Having the ability to audit your flows to understand the dynamics of enrollment based on contact criteria would be very helpful, especially through an export function on a CVS or Excel sheet! This also includes being able to send a consolidated datasheet to third parties for audit purposes
Given the bad decision HubSpot made to disable the published Workflow Log API without replacing it, and the GUI referenced in this feature request does not allow exporting the data either, you are in a very, very bad position if you need to go back in time to analyze the statistics or details of events happening on a particular workflow. It would be good for everybody if more consideration was given to the ability to get troubleshooting, debugging, and statistical data about your workflows accessible for HubSpot administrators and API developers.
Hundreds of contacts going through a workflow and I'm counting steps and names on my screen for reports - definitely a need! We aren't always analysing the workflow - but the contacts - and doing so enmasse.
2 years and over 100 votes and no update! From a data management stance, this is a huge misstep. Every system is going to have errors, but this is a way to isolate and validate logic, processes, workflows, etc. Error files are one of the most common database queries in every other CRM system. The strange thing here is they are already showing the contacts (or objects) with errors and they can be clicked into one by one. You have the data, all we're asking for is a grouping (list) mechanism to organize and update impacted records - this is so very 101 kind ish.
Please look into this as this would really help customers to report on how their workflows are being executed and looking at the contacts individually within the CRM is not very insightful and requires too much clicking around.
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