While currently we can view the locations (what page(s) a CTA is located) for a single CTA, we would love to be able to export this data for multiple CTAs. Essentially, we want to know the URLs a CTA is embedded in for 100-200 CTAs. This would be immensely convenient for spring cleaning/maintenance.
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My name is Joe, I'm the Ideas Forum Manager. I've been in contact with the HubSpot product team about this Idea, and I wanted to provide a quick update.
We appreciate all the feedback you’ve shared here to help our team evaluate this feature request. However, at this time, this functionality is not something our team is planning to build into HubSpot. This is certainly subject to change in the future, so feel free to leave feedback if you'd like. We'll update this thread if our plans change.
Excellent point. This functionality would be handy for maintenance purposes. Here's another small thing that would help: In the main CTA screen, there could be a toggle over the Locations column that would ensure that only live pages are included in the counts. It's tricky to monitor all of our CTAs because many of them are located on archived pages from our previous website design.
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