HubSpot Ideas


Export HubSpot Org Charts to Excel, Powerpoint, Word, etc.

Would like to have the capibility to link and/or Export HubSpot Org Charts to Excel, Powerpoint, Word, etc.


Also, would like to see more powerful Org Chart features. 

2 Replies

Hi Dave, 


We also wanted Org Chart functionality, initially we built a solution for ourselves. But now the solution is available to all HubSpot customers as a HubSpot Certified App in the App marketplace.


We provide a free plan, so you can get going easily. I hope this helps, if you have any questions then please don't hesitate to message me. 


Kind Regards, 


Dan Currin 

OrgChartHub & GeoMapper named in the Top 30 HubSpot Apps 
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Hi @Dave94040 , 


We also wanted Org Chart functionality, so we created an internal solution initially. However now the solution is on the HubSpot App Marketplace and is HubSpot certified. 


We offer a free plan, so when you get chance please check it out. If you have any questions then please don't hesitate to message me. 


Kind Regards, 


Dan Currin




