Some businesses benefit from entering 2 different email addresses for a single contact. For now, they create a custom property "secondary email", but if someone fills in a form with this secondary email, they have to manually merge the contact every time.
This looks like a really old thread (2016) and it doesn't look like anything has changed. I have just implemented HubspotCRM for a charity and we did some manual deduplication by adding secondary email addresses to a Property which seemed to be there as standard. But there are two serious problems with it.
If you reference the property as a Token in an email, it doesn't pull in any data
If you export All Data the Property is absent. This is annoying as I wanted to export all email addresses and run them through a verification service and now I cannot access them
Do other users have the same problem or is this unique to me?
Clarification - The Property was "Email" and if you add more email addresses then one has to be Primary. The problem is that all non-primary emails disappear from reports and exports so what is the point of adding more email addresses?
You can now add another email, but this is a problem even when you merge existing contacts. It removes the secondary email instead of adding it.
This is only one of the issues I have with Hubspot. It's nice and pretty to look at, but there are some major flaws with it. If you have a salesperson and you add them to multiple deals, every email they send ends up on every deal and you have to go in and manually remove the other deals from the emails. If you don't add them to the deal, you CAN'T add them to anything in the deal. It's a Catch-22.
This is great now that it is implemented, however you current can't export the secondary email address, only the primary. If you would find it helpful to be able to export the secondary email... go comment and upvote on this feature request!
#emcosenza. I agree. Hubspot has a good-looking UI, but has a serious flaw re: multiple email and physical addresses. We need the ability to have at least two; minimum Work and Personal. Not sure what is taking HubSpot so long to address this long-running thread, but most other CRMs have this capability. Is it that hard to implement?
It's actually been fixed for quite some time. Click on the email address, "add an email" and choose which one is the primary. After that you can select from a list in the email panel.
Not quite, while this idea has been classed as fixed it was only a partial one and the reason so many people are still replying to this thread as if it was not implemented yet.
What they did was add the option to save more than one email address, what they did not add was any real functionality behind it. I want to be able to use the non-primary email addresses in workflows, emails and other features. Sure, you could just create a second contact for this email address but it neglects what this idea is about in the first place.
I see this is implemented in the HubSpot web frontend, but has no support in its API. Is this going to be available in the API soon or is it going to be left half-fixed?
"I see this is implemented in the HubSpot web frontend, but has no support in its API. Is this going to be available in the API soon or is it going to be left half-fixed?"
Seeing as it's only half-implemented to begin with, and took years to accomplish, I'm thinking it will be left fixed for the foreseable future.
I agree. Our CRM often includes more than one active email address for a single contact. The contact alternates which email addresses they use depending on how they are interacting with our content, and we have to manually merge the contacts every time that happens.
I am a new paid customer and like a lot of what I see, but I need to track Individuals. It's Customer relationship management, not email address relationship management. Almost everyone I deal with has at least one personal email and at least one business email.
Ephemera like email addresses should not be the primary key to the customer record.
Having burned two hours of my life reviewing support forums, I have learned that people have been quite vocal and specific abou this for at least two years, and the reply from hubspot has been to completely misunderstand the point (perhaps on purpose?).
This has caused us to reopen the CRM vendor evaluation.
Yup. No clue how Hubspot can be so well funded by angels and VCs - who rely on proper customer management - and then fail miserably to implement something so simple. We've already moved on, since it's become useless to us.
I just wanted to let everyone know that there are two ways to do this now. 1) (the old way) is to merge contact records. 2) the new way you can actually add a second email address on the contact page. When you go to edit the contact email address, there is an option to add a second email address.
I don't know if you're able to mass import multiple email addresses but in my everyday experiences with this problem it has been resolved.
I've been thinking for a while now that this needs to be reposted as a new idea, I am not sure that idea statuses marked as 'delivered' are being monitored actively by Hubspot development. We have seen no activity from development since the 'fix' was applied.
If a HS team member could prove me wrong please do!
Relative to incoming mail: If the user record has two emails, all correspondance with any of those emails shows up in the timeline under the contact.
Relative to Outgoing mail: Only the default address is loaded on an email when it is started. If you want to send to both addresses that must be added manually (which is fine).
Overall, it does look to be working and we are glad to finally have the nuisance of duplicate records out of the way.
So Im glad it is fixed. I still cannot get over that this was considered a "feature request". That was an arrogant approach. Very belittling to customers. But yes, seems to work.
Not on our case. Having two email addresses in the Email field breaks the Salesforce integration for that record, so if we merge two records in hubspot (which adds both email addresses to the field) we have to manually remove one of the email addresses or the record will stop syncing with Salesforce.